
  1. 孙柔嘉在订婚以前,常来看鸿渐;

    Before their engagement , sun Jou-chia often cane to see hung-chien .

  2. 《围城》描写了方鸿渐与孙柔嘉的婚姻悲剧,而导致这场悲剧的原因不仅仅在于婚姻是一座围城,更主要的还在于主人公方鸿渐和孙柔嘉本身的性格弱点以及他们的生活环境。

    《 Encircled city 》 describes the tragic marriage between Fang and Sun , but the cause of the tragedy is not only on that marriage is an encircled city , but mainly in that the character defects of leading characters and the living environment of them .