
ɡù shā lín
  • sand-fixation forest;forest for sand fixation
固沙林 [gù shā lín]
  • [sand-fixation forest] 为了固定流沙而在沙漠及沙荒地带营造的防护林

  1. 固沙林深层土壤(200~300mm)板结严重,土壤水分状况较差,干化现象突出。

    Deep soil of the sand-fixation forest ( 200 ~ 300 mm ) hardened badly , soil moisture status was worse and soil desiccated obviously .

  2. 固沙林庇护区内降尘特征的初步观测

    Preliminary Study on the Dustfall in the Zone Sheltered by Sand-Fixation Forest

  3. 生态经济型固沙林体系建立的研究

    Research on Establishing Sand Fixation Forest System of Ecology Economy Type

  4. 防风固沙林阻沙效果的风洞模拟实验

    Study of Wind Tunnel Simulation Experiment on Effects of Sand-Shifting Control Forest

  5. 防风固沙林优化模式的树种选择及其配置

    Tree Species Selection of Optimization Pattern of Sand Control Forest and Their Arrangement

  6. 固沙林鸟类群落的多样性最高,2.860;

    The diversity of fixing sand forest bird community was the highest , 2.860 ;

  7. 低郁闭度乔木行带式固沙林防风效果研究

    Study on Wind Breaking Effects with Belt Scheme Arbor Forest at Low Canopy Density

  8. 河西走廊防风固沙林体系生态经济效益调查研究

    Investigation on Eco-economical Benefits of the Forest System for Windbreak and Sand-fixation in Hexi Corridor

  9. 固沙林庇护区内土壤-植物系统的变化特征

    Features of Soil - Plant System Changes in Zone Sheltered by Sand - fixation Forest

  10. 人工固沙林生态系统健康的模糊综合评价及实例分析

    Multilevel fuzzy compositive evaluation ( MFCE ) of ecosystem health of artificial sand-fixing plants and instantiation analyze

  11. 科尔沁沙地人工固沙林土壤水分与植被适宜度探讨

    A study on soil moisture content and plantation fitness for artificial sand-fixation forest in Horqin sandy land under

  12. 病虫害和荒漠化使固沙林鸟类群落与荒漠鸟类群落的相似性较高。

    Plant disease and desertification caused that the similarity between fixing sand forest bird community and desert bird community was higher .

  13. 滨海沙荒有的淹没农田和村庄,危害严重,种植防风固沙林带收到一定效果。

    Binhai sandy waste , some of farmland flooded and villages , and cause serious harm planting sand-fixing forest received some success .

  14. 根据沙丘风沙流运移规律,控制流动沙丘的风蚀、促进沙埋是提高流动沙地沙柳固沙林的关键。

    According to the moving regular pattern of sandy dune , control of wind erosion of moving dune is key to increase sand fixation forest of Salix psammophila C.

  15. 通过对陕北榆林风沙区防风固沙林体系的配置结构、树种组成、防风固沙效益、改良土壤的作用以及对天然植被的影响等的调查、观测和分析,结果表明:其配置结构较为合理。

    The effects of the sandbreak forest system in Yulin sandy area on the sandbreak , soil improvement and natural vegetation recovery were studied by investigating their configuring structure and species .

  16. 在白榆人工林内进行的农林间作试验表明:不同的间作类型和不同的间作年限,均对防风固沙林的生长有显著影响;

    Experiments of intercropping crops and forest trees carried out in artificial white elm forest show that different intercorpping types and numbers of years have obvious effects on the growing of wind-breaking and dune-fixing forests ;

  17. 对水源涵养林、水土保持林、防风固沙林等防护林只准进行抚育和更新性质的采伐。

    With respect to protective forests such as those for water supply conservation , water and soil conservation , windbreak and sand & fixation , felling shall only be permitted for tending and regeneration of forests .

  18. 优势度最低,仅0.084。荒漠鸟类群落与固沙林鸟类群落的相似性最高,0.52。

    While the dominance was the lowest , only 0.084.The similarity between desert bird community and fixing sand forest bird community was the highest , up to 0.52.Community diversity increased with number of species increasing , but decreased along with the increasing of the dominant species percentages .

  19. 同时,筛选设计了适合不同立地类型的最佳结构配置模式,包括防风固沙林52种,农田防护林18种,用材林8种,水域防护林9种,道路防护林22种。

    Base of those , select the best types of the structure distribution modes for the different site conditions , including sand-binding and wind-controlling forest 52 types , farmland shelter 18 types , timber forest 8 , water resource shelter 9 types , road shelter 22 types .