
  • 网络destocking
  1. 如今,去库存化的结束正在帮助经济初步复苏。

    The end of that destocking is now helping economies to tentative recovery .

  2. 一些人担心,这一段长时间的平静期不仅仅是一个去库存化周期。

    Some are worried that this protracted quiet period is more than just a destocking cycle .

  3. 显示较为乐观迹象的还有另一项指标,采购经理人指数显示,制造业正在大范围去库存化,这将有助于生产活动的反弹。

    Adding to the more upbeat picture , the purchasing managers ' indices showed widespread destocking in manufacturing , which could help a rebound in production .

  4. 但是,随着去库存化和全球需求开始恢复,第二季度工业产出的萎缩速度应会明显放缓。

    However , the pace of contraction should ease significantly in the second quarter as the pace of de-stocking eases and as global demand starts to regain its footing .

  5. 任汇川:一方面来说,中国正处于一个去库存化的过程,或者说是在减少产能过剩;从另一方面来看,中国正在寻找新的增长引擎。

    Mr. Ren : China is , on one hand , under the process of destocking , or reducing excess capacity , and , on the other , looking for new growth drivers .

  6. 我们所有的客户都在告诉我,帕特里克,我希望我们的员工队伍更灵活。'在前一份工作中看到的去库存化周期,只不过是一种恐慌反应。

    All our customers are telling me , Patrick , I wish we had more flexible labour . ' The destocking cycles that I 've seen from my previous job these were nothing but panic reactions .