
  • 网络sandification
  1. 南方风沙化土地种植芦笋对土壤肥力的影响

    Effects of Planting Asparagus on Improvement of Sandy Soil in Southern China

  2. 海南昌江县海滨土地风沙化及其环境整治

    Desertification and Re afforestation of the Coast Land in Changjiang County , Hainan Island

  3. 黄泛平原发展牧草产业治理风沙化土地的探讨

    Several Considerations for Developing Grasses Industry and Controlling Wind-sand Impacted Lands in Yellow River Floodplain

  4. 风沙化土地杏粮棉草间作试验初报

    Experiment on the Interplant of apricot , cotton and grass on the blown sand land

  5. 基于卫星遥感的鲁西北季节性风沙化土地研究

    Study on the Seasonal Wind-sand Land in the Northwest Region of Shandong Province Based on Remote Sensing

  6. 辽宁沙化土地治理对策风沙化土地的整治与利用

    Liaoning Sanded Land Control Countermeasures

  7. 风沙化土地既是可利用的土地资源,又是环境污染的物质源地。

    The wind-drift sand land is both an available land resource and a source of pollutants of environmental pollution .

  8. 沙岗地是半湿润地区土地风沙化发生的策源地,同时也是可利用的土地资源。

    Sand hill land is a source of blown sand in semi arid area . It is also valuable land resources .

  9. 并且我国的风沙化、沙漠化、水土流失、空气和水资源的污染等,环境问题也日益严重。

    Furthermore , our environment problem becomes more and more serious , such as desertification , air and water pollution and so on .

  10. 厚田拙区的风沙化土地以风成沙丘、沙质风蚀坑、波状片状沙地、蔓荆子沙堆及河流沙质沉积阶地交错分布。

    Blownsand land in Houtian region consists of sand dunes , sandy blownouts , undulated sand sheet , vegetated sand mound and sandy river terraces .

  11. 芦笋既具有适应风沙化土地生态系统特点的生物学特征,又具有很好的经济价值。

    Asparagus not only has high economic and nutritional value , but also has it biological characteristic of adapting to the ecosystem of wind-sandy wasteland .

  12. 本研究在充分调查南方风沙化土地生态特征的基础上,根据生态学原理,设计了芦笋+林草生态经济模式治理南方风沙化土地。

    On the basis of fully investigating the ecological characteristic of wind-sandy wasteland in southern China , the agroforestry system was adopted in this experiment .

  13. 在风沙化土地治理研究的同时,及时将优良作物品种和树种推广到示范区,并采用沙地土壤改良、立体种植和绿肥轮作等先进有效的耕作技术。

    Some improved varieties of crop and fruit-tree and advanced tillage technology such as sandy soil improvement , stereoscopic cultivation and green manure shift agriculture were extended in the representative area .

  14. 永定河沙地是北京市面积最大的风沙化土地和风沙危害最严重的地区之一,对北京市的生态环境有重要影响。

    Yongding River sand land is the largest area of wind-sand land sand and is one of the most severe wind sand damage region in Beijing , Which has important influence to eco-entironment in Beijng .

  15. 研究了风沙化土地葡萄园土壤温度、光照强度、风况及土壤机械组成、养分与水分状况等环境效应,为葡萄园间作套种及设施高效栽培提供理论依据。

    The environmental efficiencies of factors such as soil temperature , intensity of illu-minance , wind in sand grapery , and composition , water and nutrient of soil , are analyzed . The results are conductive to intercropping , interplanting and facility planting in sand grapery .

  16. 如果风过沙化地区,如沙漠和海滩就会卷走大量沙子。

    If the wind blows over sandy country , such as deserts and beaches , it picks up quite a lot of sand and carries it along .