- be in fashion;be popular;quickly;vogue

(1) [be in fashion;be popular]∶盛行,普遍流行。通常是短时期的习惯、用法或式样
(2) [quickly]∶形容迅速
In the medicine industry , in 2002 , 10 medicine circulations enterprise like the Beijing medicine and so on obtains the national debt interest-paid loan , the medicine logistics to be in fashion at a night .
Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly .
To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in China .
This style of writing has had a great vogue .
Who is responsible for bringing that stupid style into fashion ?
The most popular indoor sport this year is sleep .
The skate-board caught on for a few months , but then dropped out of fashion .
Swimming has come back again .
Dial get online to say , begin since thenceforth faddish .
The flight to suburbia lessened the number of middle-class families living within the city .
Sponsored weddings have really started to gain popularity in recent years , where vendors2 provide free or discounted services in exchange for ads in the couples ’ wedding invitations , programs , placecards , etc.
In addition , it is not clear in theory whether the prevailing method using reflective P wave can be used to detect cracks in thin coal beds .
Mini-computers became the rage in the 1970s , followed immediately by high function UNIX workstations .
Earlier this year , Microsoft released a version of Office for Apple 's iPad , years after the tablet had become a blockbuster seller .
The do-it-yourself option recently got a boost , when researchers demonstrated the feasibility of 3-D custom parts printing using raw materials available on the moon .
In view of the present situation , this text used the C language to have designed digital simulation soft about one - Dimensional fuzzy controller , this porgram is a better kind of CAI .
Industries can fall out of fashion ; what now for hula hoops in a PlayStation world ?
Although small-size LCD capex has been robust recently for tablet and smart phone panels , 12 of the18 units shipped were for large size ( 7 / 8G ) panels .
First of all , this study borrows the internationally popular B-S model to calculate the theoretical value of warrant ;
China will launch a nationwide epidemiological investigation of A / H1N1 influenza next year in a bid to provide more scientific data for further prevention and control measures .
The Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014 has funded an important scientific gene discovery in the progressive neurodegenerative disease ALS , the ALS Association says .
These have been popular in Asia for several years , but figures from screen digest this week showed that the market for so-called " massively multiplayer online games " outside Asia hit $ 1bn for the first time in 2006 .
With the prevailing of k-gold accessories in china .
Parker has been involved with several start-ups over the years , including the once-popular early 2000s music file-sharing service , Napster .
Tinder 's presence in Sochi , particularly among athletes , was revealed in part by Jamie Anderson , the 23-year-old American snowboarder who won a slopestyle gold medal Sunday .
Named Spot Message , the new Pokemon Go-inspired app is the brainchild of Yoshiyuki Katori , president of Ryoshin Sekizai , a tombstone company based in Katori , Japan 's Chiba prefecture .
Between the end of 19th century and the early 20th century , the excellent reportage about the important historical events appeared in the domestic and foreign literary world . Its social value and literary creation developed its unique style , holding a world-wide publicity .
Kim , who 's now back to shooting Kourtney and Kim Take Miami , spent her 32nd birthday with her beau in Venice , part of a whirlwind trip to Italy that started in Rome and also touched down in Florence .
Like many other entrepreneurs , the tenants would love to follow firms such as Facebook and Zynga , a maker of hugely popular online games including Farmville , that have been thrust into the internet limelight in the space of a few short years .
After all , there is a widespread perception these days that the traditional media are in terminal decline , unable to compete in a world where kittens and Kardashians dominate social media and the rest of cyberspace .