
fēng xíng
  • be in fashion;be popular;quickly;vogue
风行 [fēng xíng]
  • (1) [be in fashion;be popular]∶盛行,普遍流行。通常是短时期的习惯、用法或式样

  • 风行一时

  • (2) [quickly]∶形容迅速

  • 雷厉风行

风行[fēng xíng]
  1. 在医药行业,2002年,北京医药等10家医药流通企业获得国债贴息贷款,医药物流一夜风行。

    In the medicine industry , in 2002 , 10 medicine circulations enterprise like the Beijing medicine and so on obtains the national debt interest-paid loan , the medicine logistics to be in fashion at a night .

  2. 俚语往往很快风行起来又很快不再风行了。

    Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly .

  3. 目前,读夜校在中国极为风行。

    To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in China .

  4. 这种写作风格曾大为风行。

    This style of writing has had a great vogue .

  5. 那种愚蠢的样式会风行,责任在谁?

    Who is responsible for bringing that stupid style into fashion ?

  6. 最风行的室内运动是困觉。

    The most popular indoor sport this year is sleep .

  7. 滑冰板风行了几个月,但又不流行了。

    The skate-board caught on for a few months , but then dropped out of fashion .

  8. 游泳运动又风行起来。

    Swimming has come back again .

  9. 拨号上网一说,从那时起开始风行

    Dial get online to say , begin since thenceforth faddish .

  10. 随着迁往郊外的风行,住在城内的中产家庭减少了。

    The flight to suburbia lessened the number of middle-class families living within the city .

  11. 赞助结婚近年来日渐风行,赞助商提供免费或打折的婚庆服务,作为交换,新人婚礼的请柬、婚礼流程、和婚宴桌牌等上面要为赞助商打广告。

    Sponsored weddings have really started to gain popularity in recent years , where vendors2 provide free or discounted services in exchange for ads in the couples ’ wedding invitations , programs , placecards , etc.

  12. 另外,利用当前国内外风行的反射P波检测裂隙的方法能否辨认出薄煤层系列内的裂隙在理论上还有待研究。

    In addition , it is not clear in theory whether the prevailing method using reflective P wave can be used to detect cracks in thin coal beds .

  13. 通用微型计算机在上世纪70年代风行,紧随其后出现的是功能强大的UNIX工作站。

    Mini-computers became the rage in the 1970s , followed immediately by high function UNIX workstations .

  14. 今年早些时候,在苹果iPad风行世界多年之后,微软终于发布了面向这款平板电脑的Office软件。

    Earlier this year , Microsoft released a version of Office for Apple 's iPad , years after the tablet had become a blockbuster seller .

  15. 当研究人员表明了3-D定制配件打印机的可行性(能采用月球上的原材料制作成品),自己动手制作一时风行起来。

    The do-it-yourself option recently got a boost , when researchers demonstrated the feasibility of 3-D custom parts printing using raw materials available on the moon .

  16. 基于这种情况,本文利用当前较风行的C语言设计较简单的一维模糊控制器数字仿真系统软件,本软件可作为模糊控制系统的教学辅助工具(CAI)。

    In view of the present situation , this text used the C language to have designed digital simulation soft about one - Dimensional fuzzy controller , this porgram is a better kind of CAI .

  17. 产业可能没落;在如今这个PlayStation风行的世界中,呼啦圈怎么样了呢?

    Industries can fall out of fashion ; what now for hula hoops in a PlayStation world ?

  18. 尽管由于近期智能手机和平板电脑的风行令小尺寸LCD面板表现较为活跃,但尼康第三季度售出的18台LCD光刻机中仍有12台是面向大尺寸面板(7/8G)的产品。

    Although small-size LCD capex has been robust recently for tablet and smart phone panels , 12 of the18 units shipped were for large size ( 7 / 8G ) panels .

  19. 首先,本文借鉴了国际风行的B-S模型用于计算权证的理论参考价值;

    First of all , this study borrows the internationally popular B-S model to calculate the theoretical value of warrant ;

  20. 明年中国将活着界领域内倡议对甲型H1N1流感的风行病学查询拜访,以便能够为往后的防控法子供应更多的科学数据。

    China will launch a nationwide epidemiological investigation of A / H1N1 influenza next year in a bid to provide more scientific data for further prevention and control measures .

  21. 美国渐冻症协会表示,2014年风行的冰桶挑战募集了大量资金,已经帮助科学研究发现了与渐冻症相关的重要基因。渐冻症是渐进性神经退行性疾病,学名为肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)。

    The Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014 has funded an important scientific gene discovery in the progressive neurodegenerative disease ALS , the ALS Association says .

  22. 这种游戏已在亚洲风行了数年,但screendigest本周的数据显示,在2006年,亚洲以外的所谓“大型多人在线游戏”市场收入首次达到10亿美元。

    These have been popular in Asia for several years , but figures from screen digest this week showed that the market for so-called " massively multiplayer online games " outside Asia hit $ 1bn for the first time in 2006 .

  23. 随着国内K-gold饰品的风行,珠宝界的意大利设计之印象便深入人心。

    With the prevailing of k-gold accessories in china .

  24. 帕克多年来已参与创立了7家初创企业,包括21世纪初一度风行的音乐文件共享网站Napster。

    Parker has been involved with several start-ups over the years , including the once-popular early 2000s music file-sharing service , Napster .

  25. Tinder在索契、尤其是在运动员之间的风行一定程度上可以在23岁的美国单板滑雪选手杰米•安德森(JamieAnderson)身上得到体现。安德森周日赢得了障碍技巧项目金牌。

    Tinder 's presence in Sochi , particularly among athletes , was revealed in part by Jamie Anderson , the 23-year-old American snowboarder who won a slopestyle gold medal Sunday .

  26. 口袋妖怪的风行使得增强现实技术近来很流行。这款受口袋妖怪启迪的新手机软件叫做SpotMessage,是一家日本墓葬公司RyoshinSekizai董事长YoshiyukiKatori的创意。该公司位于日本千叶县。

    Named Spot Message , the new Pokemon Go-inspired app is the brainchild of Yoshiyuki Katori , president of Ryoshin Sekizai , a tombstone company based in Katori , Japan 's Chiba prefecture .

  27. 伴随19世纪末到2O世纪初的历史风云,中外文坛出现了一批批报道重大历史事件的优秀报告文学,其社会价值和文学创造在20世纪文学领域独树一帜,风行全球。

    Between the end of 19th century and the early 20th century , the excellent reportage about the important historical events appeared in the domestic and foreign literary world . Its social value and literary creation developed its unique style , holding a world-wide publicity .

  28. 金现在已回归《金和考特妮的迈阿密之行》(KourtneyandKimTakeMiami)。她在威尼斯和恋人度过了她的32岁生日,这也是她意大利旋风行的一部分。这次旅行从罗马开始,还在佛罗伦萨做了短暂停留。

    Kim , who 's now back to shooting Kourtney and Kim Take Miami , spent her 32nd birthday with her beau in Venice , part of a whirlwind trip to Italy that started in Rome and also touched down in Florence .

  29. 和其他许多企业一样,这些天才乐意于追从像脸书(Facebook)和Zynga这样的公司。Zynga公司是一个包括Farmvile游戏在内的极为风行的在线游戏制造商,它在短短的数年之间里,已经冲进了互联网的聚光灯之下。

    Like many other entrepreneurs , the tenants would love to follow firms such as Facebook and Zynga , a maker of hugely popular online games including Farmville , that have been thrust into the internet limelight in the space of a few short years .

  30. 毕竟,近来普遍的看法是传统媒体正走向末路,无法在一个小猫和卡戴珊家族(Kardashian)风行社交媒体和其他网络空间的世界竞争。

    After all , there is a widespread perception these days that the traditional media are in terminal decline , unable to compete in a world where kittens and Kardashians dominate social media and the rest of cyberspace .