
  • 网络The wind is blowing;Kaze wa Fuiteiru
  1. 当时风正在吹。

    The wind was blowing .

  2. 不过它确实展现给你一幅图案形象,关于美国的风正在吹向哪里。

    and that is really giving you a pictorial image of what 's going on with the winds in the United States .

  3. 当她重新和这两个孩子待在一起,听到风正在凄凉地吹刮着的时候,她沉陷在忧郁之中——这是最廉价的、也是最容易得到的享受——,直到她昏昏睡去。

    and being left alone with the two children again , and becoming conscious that the wind was blowing mournfully , she indulged in melancholy - that cheapest and most accessible of luxuries - until she was overpowered by slumber .