
  • 网络wind resistance
  1. 烟风阻力计算结果汇总表;

    Summary of flue wind resistance calculations ;

  2. 舰用增压锅炉烟风阻力计算方法研究

    Calculation methods of gas resistance of supercharged boiler The Wind

  3. 总结出链斗式采金船设计中的挖掘阻力、横向挖掘阻力、风阻力、水阻力、斗架提升附加力、提锚力及锚柱所受的外力的计算方法,可供设计生产应用。

    The calculation methods for excavation resistance , transverse excavation resistance , wind and water resistance , additional force of ladder lifting , force of anchor lifting and the external force exerted on an chor post are summarized , which rnay be applied to the design and production .

  4. 这种自行车的设计成功地减少了风的阻力和摩擦力。

    The design of the bicycle has managed to reduce the effects of wind resistance and drag .

  5. UG75/5.3M3型流化床锅炉布风板阻力的试验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Air Distribution Plate Resistance of a Model UG 75 / 5.3 M 3 Fluidized Bed Boiler

  6. 电站锅炉一次风管道阻力动态调平方法的研究

    Study on Dynamic Leveling Method of Primary Air Piping Resistance of Utility Boilers

  7. 35t/h循环流化床锅炉布风板阻力特性的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Air Distribution Plate Resistance of 35 t / h CFB Boiler

  8. 高尔夫球运动中使用的小硬球;为减少风的阻力而微凹起来。

    A small hard ball used in playing golf ; dimpled to reduce wind resistance .

  9. 衬衫了莱卡或其他形式装修材料,减少风的阻力。

    Shirts made of lycra or other form fitting material that will reduce wind resistance .

  10. 在室外你跑得越快,抵抗风的阻力就越困难。

    The faster you run outside , the harder you 're working against wind resistance .

  11. ②在风量相同的条件下,考虑送风系统阻力损失的风速和鼓风动能值较不计送风系统阻力损失时要高;

    Secondly , under the same air quantity , the blast velocity and blast momentum with considering the pressure loss of blast system are higher than those without the pressure loss of blast system .

  12. 本文研究了一款斜式冷凝器,并将其与普通竖式冷凝器进行比较,通过实验和理论分析表明其有更高的传热效率以及更小的风机阻力。

    In this paper , an oblique condenser is studied and compared with the normal vertical condenser . The experiments and theoretical analysis indicated that it has higher heat transfer efficiency and smaller fan resistance .

  13. 在跑步机上跑步身体或多或少会感觉轻松些因为你脚下的地面在被往后拉,而且没有风的阻力,所以这可以解释消耗卡路里量的不同。

    Running on a treadmill is somewhat easier physically because the ground is being pulled underneath your feet and there 's no wind resistance , so that may explain the difference in the amount of calories burned .

  14. 对管排数分别为16排、26排和32排的翅片管空气冷却器风侧阻力特性进行了试验研究,并将其试验结果与空气冷却器常用风阻计算公式的计算结果进行了比较与分析。

    N experimental investigation was conducted for the air drag characteristics of a finned tube air cooler with 16 rows , 26 rows , and 32 rows respectively , and the results were compared with the calculating results of the calculating formulae of the common air drag of air coolers .

  15. 提出用高精度的反映密度、黏度和温度关系的经验公式和Colebrook公式计算风管摩擦阻力系数的方法。

    Puts forward the calculation method of air duct frictional resistance based on the Colebrook formula and a high accuracy empirical formula reflecting the relation between air density and viscosity and air temperature .

  16. 高速铁路隧道内列车活塞风和空气阻力的解析计算

    Analytic Calculation of Piston Wind Velocity and Aerodynamic Drag in High-Speed Train Tunnel

  17. 风管摩擦阻力的直接计算方法

    Direct calculation method of air duct frictional resistance

  18. 通过冷态实验,总结布风板流动阻力随流量的变化规律;研究静止料层高度和流体流量与床层压降和床层膨胀高度之间的关系。

    Summarize the law between pressure drop of air distributor and flux by cold testing without solid , and study the relationships between materiel bed height , pressure drop , flux , and bubble height .

  19. 高速列车通过隧道时将产生压力瞬变、微气压波、列车活塞风、行车阻力和气动噪声等一系列明显的空气动力学效应,进而影响到列车内乘客的舒适性和隧道周围的生活环境。

    High-speed train passing through the tunnel will produce a series of significant aerodynamic effects such as transient pressure , micro-pressure wave , train piston wind , aerodynamic forces and aerodynamic noise etc , which affect passengers in comfort and living environment around the tunnel .

  20. 高风速下海面阻力系数的研究

    Study on sea surface drag coefficient in high wind speed

  21. 轴流风机集流器阻力损失计算公式及最优结构参数的确定

    The determination of formulae of resistance losses and the optimum parameters of structure of the collector in an axial fan

  22. 列车风对列车的阻力、横向力、升力、摇头力矩影响较大。

    In general , the train induced wind has clear influence on the drag force , lateral force , lift force and yaw moment of the train .

  23. 本文提出了直线形渐扩式均匀吸风管道设计节点阻力偏差与if/Fi的关系式。

    An equation is set up in the article showing the assumed resistance error of the joints in the straight extending regular sucking pipe and the if / Fi value ;

  24. 船-机-桨模型的构建是把这三者看为整体,考虑推力、风、流等阻力对船舶运动的影响。

    The construction of the ship-motor-propeller model is to consider these three modules as a whole , considering the influence of the thrust , wind , stream and other resistance to the movements of the ship .

  25. 认为风网除尘效果不佳的原因是多方面的,不能盲目地采用更换高压风机提高风网阻力的方法解决,而首先应查明产生的原因,采取有针对性的措施。

    The author considers that the reasons are in many ways . To solve it , we could not adopt blindly the method of changing the high pressure fan to raise the wind network resistance but should find out the reason at first and then take corresponding measures .

  26. 处于列车前部的车厢,在外界正压力的作用下排气阻力增加;处于列车尾部的车厢,在外界负压的作用下,新风风机的进风阻力增大。

    Exhaust resistance in carriages in front of train raises under external positive pressure , Inlet resistance of air blower rear end of train augments under external sub-pressure .

  27. 通过对三种风道系统的压力进行分析,认为应根据风机全压等于风管系统阻力损失来选择风机。

    According to the analysis on pressure of three kinds of duct systems , concludes that the total pressure of a fan should be equal to the resistance loss of the duct system .

  28. 具有导风板的自然通风逆流湿式冷却塔进风阻力研究及性能优化应用电子表格进行轴流通风机优化气动设计

    Research on Flow Resistance of Inlet Air and Performance Optimization of Natural Draft Counterflow Wet Cooling Tower with Air Deflectors Optimum Aerodynamic Design for Axial Fan by Excel

  29. 为了保证变风量空调送风系统的结构处于灵活、稳定及可靠的状态,本文通过预测模型,统一调节各个房间风路阻力,避免主干风管的阻力增加,增强控制系统的稳定性。

    In order to make the structure of air supply system is in a flexible , stable and reliable state , in this paper , the Prediction Control Model will regulate the resistance of all the ducts in the system except the trunk duct .