
fēng lěng
  • forced air cooling;air patenting
风冷[fēng lěng]
  1. 电子设备全密闭机柜的强迫风冷设计

    The design of the forced air cooling of full closed box of the electronic equipment

  2. 某功放模块的强迫风冷散热设计

    The CFD Emulation and Optimization of the Forced Air Cooling System for a Power Amplifier Module

  3. Air(初三适用)油浸风冷变压器温度场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Forced - Air Cooling Oil - Immersed Transformer

  4. Air(初三适用)风冷冷凝器的优化设计

    The Optimum Design of Air Condenser

  5. PLC对并联压缩机组及风冷冷凝器的控制

    PLC-based Automatic Control for Parallel Compressor Unit and Air Cooled Condenser

  6. PLC在变压器风冷系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in Wind-cooling System of the Power Transformer

  7. 电力系统主变风冷控制中PLC通信的设计与实现

    Design of PLC Communication in Cooling Control of Power Transformer

  8. 文章介绍了PLC在变压器风冷系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of PLC in wind-cooling system of the power transformer .

  9. MAC风冷干式排渣技术在热电厂的应用

    Application of MAC Air-cooled Dry Slag Disposal Technology Developed in Thermal Power Plants

  10. CPU风冷散热器的实验研究及流场和温度场的数值模拟

    Experimental Testing of CPU Air Cooling Radiator and Numerical Simulation of Its Flow Field and Temperature Field

  11. 水冷与风冷过程冷却速度的差异,导致PVDF树脂产生不同的晶体形态。

    PVDF resin cooled at different rates has different crystal .

  12. 也配备能够有效地照射UV光的长焦点型(仅风冷式)反射板。

    Also available is a lineup of long-focus reflectors ( for air-cooled types only ) that irradiate UV light effectively .

  13. 半导体冷藏箱热端风冷散热器CFD辅助设计和实验研究

    Utilizing CFD software package to design the radiator on the hot side of thermoelectric refrigerator and experiment research

  14. 介绍PLC控制的主变风冷系统智能控制装置的设计原理及实现方法。

    This essay introduces the designing theory and achievement of the intelligent controlling device of the chief transformer 's wind cooling system which controlled by PLC .

  15. 通过PWM脉宽控制,实现机车干阻试验台中风冷电机的恒流控制和负载的连续可调。

    The constant current control of the air cooling motor and the continuous adjustment of the load are realized by applying PWM control technic .

  16. 对直燃型溴化锂吸收式机组和电动风冷热泵机组在变工况下的一次能源利用率PER作了比较。

    Comparison to the Primary Energy Efficiency Ratio ( PER ) under changed conditions between Direct Fired Absorption Chiller ( DFAC ) and electric driven Air Source Heat Pump Chiller ( ASHP ) is introduced .

  17. 全年供冷的风冷式冷水机组问题分析与解决冷水浸种48h;

    Problem Analysis of Whole-Year-Running Air-to-Water Chiller and A Solution soaked in cold water for 48 hours ;

  18. 风冷冰箱蒸发器应对欧盟WEEE和RoHS指令的改进设计

    Improved Design of Frost-free Refrigerator Evaporator to Comply with WEEE and RoHS

  19. 本文以60kg/m重轨和喷风头作为研究对象,通过有限元软件FLUENT,对重轨轨端的风冷过程进行数值模拟。

    As 60kg / m heavy rail and air-jet were researched , air-cooling process of heavy rail was simulated through finite element software FLUENT .

  20. 介绍了某功放模块的强迫风冷设计方案,并通过CFD热仿真软件对温度场和风速场进行了计算分析。

    A forced-air cooling system for a230W power amplifier module is introduced in this paper , as well as the CFD software simulation of the cooling performance .

  21. 风冷柴油机散热片Nusselt数的数学模型研究

    A mathematic model study on Nusselt number of fins of a high speed aircooled diesel engine

  22. VRV空调系统与螺杆式风冷热泵空调系统全年能耗比较

    Comparison of Energy Consumption Between the VRV Air-conditioning System And the Air-cooled Heat Pump Screw Chiller System

  23. 在风冷系统中,对出料温度进行自动控制,计算机仿真结果表明,采用非线性PID控制,能实现较好的控制效果。

    N the air cold system the temperature of the outlet material is controlled automatically and the result of computer simulation shows that the unlinear PID control can be used to realize a better control effect .

  24. 提出了用计算机异步串行通信实现与PLC连接通信的方法,讨论了在VB环境下的通信编程实例,实现了对电力系统主变压器风冷控制系统的实时监控。

    By presenting a method of asynchronous serial communication between computer and PLC , this paper discusses the communication programming in VB environment . The real time supervision of power transformer cooling control system has been realized .

  25. 液冷作为超越风冷产品的新一代高端散热解决方案,一直是DIY一族较为钟爱的一种散热方式。

    Products beyond the air-cooled liquid as a new generation of high-end cooling solutions , has been more beloved DIY group a cooling mode .

  26. 结合新安江水电厂机、电设备的全面技术改造,介绍了一种强油风冷变压器的PLC冷却控制器的组成和控制、组网方式。

    Based on the comprehensive technical retrofits for the mechanical and electrical equipment of ( Xin'anjiang ) Hydropower Plant , the components , controlling and networking methods of a kind of PLC cooling controller for force oil-air cooling transformers are recommended .

  27. SW-2.5/7型风冷全无油压缩机的密封与润滑技术

    Sealing and Lubricating Technology of SW-2.5/7 Air-cooling Non-lubricated Air Compressor

  28. 并且进行了实际应用测试,结果表明:该液冷散热系统能有效降低CPU运行时的温度,相对于传统的风冷与普通水冷散热器,具有更加优越的散热性能。

    The results are shown as following : this liquid cooling system can effectively lower the temperature of the CPU , so compared with the traditional air-cooled and ordinary water cooler , this system has more superior heat dissipation performance .

  29. 道依茨413F系列风冷柴油机国产化回顾(Ⅱ)

    Review On Localization of Deutz 413F Series Air-Cooled Diesel Engine (ⅱ)

  30. 研制的4m×8m×4m油槽循环冷却系统,采用全风冷循环冷却系统代替常规的水冷循环冷却系统。

    In the circulating cooling system of 4m × 8m × 4m oil tank , circulating full air cooling system has been used instead of conventional circulating water cooling system .