
  1. PLC接收风量传感器传来的风量信号,与正常风量值进行比较,根据比较结果运行程序,控制系统的动作。

    The PLC receives the windward quantity signal that the windward quantity sensors spread , the PLC will compare it with the wind normal scope value , and it runs programs to control system action according to the result of comparison .

  2. 热扩散式风量传感器在中速磨煤机一次风自动调节中的应用

    Application of Heat Diffusion Type Flow Meter in Primary Air Flow Control of Medium Speed Coal Pulverizer

  3. 变风量空调系统传感器故障检测与诊断

    Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Sensors in Variable Air Volume Systems

  4. 用小波分析法分离变风量系统流量传感器故障

    Flow Sensor Fault Isolation in VAV System Using Wavelet Analysis

  5. 变风量末端装置风速传感器的基本原理及其应用

    Fundamentals of airflow velocity sensors in VAV terminals and their application

  6. 针对定风量空调系统中传感器间具有高度相关性的特点,提出了利用主元分析法进行温度传感器和湿度传感器故障诊断的方法。

    Based on the close relativity among the sensors of CAV Air-conditioning system , principal component analysis ( PCA ) method was proposed to detect faults of temperature sensors and humidity sensors . 2 .