
  1. 本研究项目设计了小型立式环型风洞系统和流场模拟两套实验装置。

    The study item designs two-set experimental devices for small-sized vertical and circular wind tunnel system and flow field simulation .

  2. 风洞系统测定氨挥发的回收率为95.7%,风洞内外的风速一致。

    The main results were as follows : ( 1 ) An average ammonia recovery of 95.7 % for the wind tunnel systems was found in a recovery experiment . The wind speed in wind tunnel is very close to that of outside .

  3. NET平台的风洞控制系统的通讯及数据管理模块,并介绍其开发流程。

    NET and the design of data module in Wind Tunnel Control System .

  4. 传统的风洞测控系统基本上在Windows环境下运行。

    Basically the traditional measure and control system of wind tunnel runs in the Windows Operation System .

  5. 基于UG和ADAMS的砂尘风洞转台系统的虚拟设计

    Virtual design of swivel table for sand-dirt wind tunnel based on UG and ADAMS

  6. Profibus在风洞动力系统设计中的应用

    Application of Profibus to the Power System in the Wind Tunnel

  7. HART协议物理层(上)边界层风洞控制系统

    The physical Layer of HART Protocal (ⅰ) Control System of Borderline Wind Tunnel

  8. Ф5m立式风洞动力系统

    The power system for Ф 5m vertical wind tunnel

  9. DFD风洞测控系统设计

    The Design of Measurement and Control System for DFD Wind Tunnel

  10. 8m×6m风洞动力系统运行20年

    Working Condition of 8 m × 6 m Wind Tunnel Power System in Twenty Years

  11. 风洞控制系统CWT风机子系统设计

    Wind Tunnel Control System of CWT Fun Subsystem Design

  12. 2.4m跨声速风洞控制系统的智能运行技术

    Intelligent Operating Techniques for Control System of 2.4m Transonic Wind Tunnel

  13. 0.8m风洞风扇系统的设计和运转

    The design and running for fan system of the 0.8m wind tunnel

  14. 基于CAN总线的FL-8风洞测控系统的研制

    Acquire & Control System Research and Manufacture in FL-8 Based on CAN

  15. 主要介绍了JD-1风洞测控系统的组成。

    This paper introduces composition of the JD-1 wind tunnel measure and control system .

  16. CG-01风洞测控系统改造

    Rebuilding control and measurement system of CG-01 wind tunnel

  17. 笔者主要介绍了Ф5m立式风洞动力系统的概况,已经达到的技术指标:稳转速精度(相对额定值)为0.04%(24~350r/min),整个系统的功率因数达0.97;

    The tunnel is successfully debugged in September 2005.This paper introduces the power system of Φ 5m vertical tunnel and achieved technological parameters : precision of steady rotation ( relative rated value ) is 0.04 % ( 24 ~ 350r / min );

  18. 为了恢复8m×6m风洞动力系统的负载能力,提高其稳定性与可靠性。

    In order to resume the load ability of power system in 8m × 6m wind tunnel , improve its stability and reliability , the original analog speed regulated system of 8m × 6m wind tunnel has been successfully reformed recently .

  19. 2.4m跨声速风洞控制系统智能运行技术,利用历史试验数据搭建含特征参数、原始数据及精选数据层的数据仓库。

    Intelligent operating techniques for control system of 2.4m transonic wind tunnel based on the historical testing data , constructs a data warehouse which consists of characteristic parameter layer , original data layer and selected data layer .

  20. 本文以电厂直接空冷凝汽器蛇形翅片为试验模型,搭建了风洞试验系统,利用PIV(粒子图像测速仪)系统对翅片间的流场从不同截面进行观测。

    The fins which were used in the direct air-cooled condensers of power plant used as models in this experiment and a wind tunnel experiment system was put up . PIV ( Particle Image Velocimetry ) system was used to measure the different sections of the flow between fins .

  21. 本文主要论述了FL-1风洞控制系统的结构,组成及流场调节子系统和数据采集子系统的设计原理,控制方式,采用的技术和主要功能。

    This text discussed primarily construct of the FL-1 wind tunnel control system , constitute and the design principle of regulating of flow field subsystem and collecting data subsystem , control method , adoptive technique and main function .

  22. 先进风洞气源系统的研制与运行

    Development and application of advance air source system for wind tunnel

  23. 本文还对风洞控制系统的网络通讯进行了一定的阐述。

    This paper also describes network communication of wind tunnel control system .

  24. 基于Windows95的风洞测控系统软件平台

    Windows 95 based software platform of tunnel measurement control system

  25. 分布式虚拟风洞的系统结构及负载分析

    Distributed virtual wind tunnel system structure and workload analysis

  26. 数值风洞软件系统研究

    A Numerical Wind Tunnel Software System

  27. 边界层风洞控制系统

    Control System of Borderline Wind Tunnel

  28. 它们给出的信号与压力成正比,这些信号可以用通常的风洞数据系统自动记录

    They provide a signal proportional to pressure which can be automatically recorded by the usual wind tunnel data system

  29. 本课题所研究的主要内容是高温气固两相流风洞监控系统的改进与完善。

    The main contribution of this paper is the optimization of monitoring and controlling system in high-temperature gas-solid two-phase flow wind tunnel application .

  30. 针对传统的风洞测控系统结构上的弊病,采用嵌入式技术提高风洞测控系统性能是必由之路。

    In order to settle the primal problem of traditional wind tunnel measurement and control system , it is important to use the technology of embedded system .