
  • 网络European law;Droit européen
  1. 我们在中国有关于欧洲法的课程。

    We have courses about the European Law in our school in china .

  2. 纯粹经济损失是欧洲法中的概念,除了极少数国家在成文法中明文规定了纯粹经济损失外,其他国家多只是在法学理论上讨论这个问题。

    Pure economic loss is the concept of European law , but a very few countries in the statute expressly provides for pure economic loss , other countries , and more only in the legal theory on this issue .

  3. 20世纪70年代早期起,软法概念才广泛的出现在欧盟的公法著作中,并很快为欧洲法研究领域的人所借鉴。

    Since the early 20th century 70s , the concept of soft law before the emergence of a wide range of public law in the EU works , and soon by the European Study of fields to learn from .

  4. 欧洲公司法最新改革与发展

    New Reform and Development of Company Law in the Europe

  5. 对欧洲联盟法的渊源及原则的认识

    EUROPE The Discuss on the Source and Principle of the EU Law

  6. 因为运动是机器,他们只保护知识产权,他们会是一个专利,欧洲专利法大概是类似于美国的。

    Because movements are machines , they only intellectual property protection they would have is a patent , and presumably the European patent laws are similar to those of the US .

  7. 在第二节中,笔者简要地介绍了欧洲共同法上对买卖的契约结构的认识,重点在于说明此阶段上的法学与法律实践重要的承上启下的作用。

    In section two , the author has precisely discussed the legal structure of contract of sale in European Common Law . This dissertation is devoted to studying payment priority among the civil priorities .

  8. 而随着全球化的深入,欧洲合同法原则以及一系列国际商事法对传统民法理论造成了不小的冲击,大有取代传统学说之势。

    With the deepening of globalization , PECL and a series of International Commercial Laws give a very great impact to the traditional civil law theories , and have an enormous potential to replace the traditional doctrines .

  9. 本文对欧洲联盟法的一般法律原则中的基本权利原则、比例原则、平等原则、确定性原则以及国家责任原则进行了研究。

    The article analyses the principle of basic rights and obligations , the principle of equality , the principal of definiteness and the principle of state responsibility , all of which belong to the general legal principles .

  10. 源于中世纪欧洲教会法的夫妻分居制度,经过数百年的演进,日益在世界许多国家的婚姻家庭立法中焕发出勃勃生机,成为近现代一些国家和地区婚姻法律制度的重要组成部分。

    For several centuries development , couple separation system , which roots from Canon Law in Middle Ages Europe , become an significant part of the legal system in some countries and regions now , show out its vitality day by day .

  11. 《国际商事合同通则》及《欧洲合同法原则》为这二大法系在该制度中的糅合、兼容作出了很好的榜样,为各国立法趋势指明了方向。

    《 Principles of International Commercial Contract 》 and 《 Principles of European Contract law 》 for these two law systems in this system , has compatibly made the very good example , has indicated the direction for the various countries ' legislation tendency .

  12. 这也反映出欧洲古代法的发展是以社会基本单位家庭伦理关系的淡化为起点的,而法律仅在最基本需求的层面服从道德的命令。

    It also reflects that European ancient law developed on the threshold of attaching little importance to ethic of the social essential unit ( the family ) , while the law obeys the orders of morale only at the level of the most essential need .

  13. 从《国际货物销售代理公约》到《欧洲合同法通则》,国际社会对如何融合两大法系的代理制度进行了有益的尝试,但其视角以及融合的方法显然也存在差异。

    From Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods to The Principles of European Contract Law , the international society made many constructive attempts in merging the agency system in two legal systems , but their perspective and methods of merging were obviously different .

  14. 首先笔者选了几个典型国家(如德、意、韩、英、美)及国际上比较有影响力的《欧洲合同法》及《国际商事合同通则》,对其立法情况进行简单介绍。

    Firstly , the author selected several typical countries ( e.g. Germany , Italy , South Korea , United Kingdom , the United States ), and the more influential international " European Contract Law " and " International Commercial Contracts ," to conduct a brief introduction of their legislation .

  15. 笔者认为将NewLawMerchant界定为欧洲中世纪商人法基础上的新商人法,而不是跨国商法或商人习惯法。

    The author insists that New Law Merchant ought to be defined as New Law Merchant which originates from the European medieval law merchant rather than the transnational commercial law or lex mercatoria .

  16. 介绍了即将实施的欧洲UVA保护法,并对比了Boots五星级体系各自的优势。

    European UVA protection method is introduced and compared each advantage with the Boots five star system .

  17. 病人病情在入院时、灌注后24h、1周、3月内由神经科医生以欧洲中风评分法(ESS)综合评价。

    The patient 's condition was assessed by neurologists using ESS ( European stroke scale ) at admittance to the hospital and 24 hours , 1 week , 3 months after urokinase perfusion .

  18. 欧洲联盟商标法一体化的进程及现状

    EU 's Integration of Trademark Law : Yesterday & Today

  19. 中世纪欧洲神判法的历史考察

    Study on the Trial by Ordeal in Medieval Europe

  20. 欧洲共同体环境法的演生与发展

    The Evolution and Development of European Union Environmental Law

  21. 第一个要求是就一部共同的欧洲数据保护法完成协商。

    The first requirement was to complete negotiations on a common European data protection law .

  22. 在欧洲,竞争法一直是实现其经济一体化和政治稳定的核心力量。

    In Europe , competition law has been taking a crucial role in unifying economy as well as stabilizing politics .

  23. 接着论证了欧洲法院判例法在创造欧盟法基本原则和经典先例中的决定性影响。

    First , it discusses the role of ECJ in the sculpturing of the general principle and classic precedents of EU law .

  24. 文章从比较法的角度剖析欧洲产品责任法中的产品缺陷认定规则,并将之与中国的判例相对照。

    From the perspective of comparative laws , this essay analyzed the laws about productdefects in Europe and compared it to the Chinese laws .

  25. 由于这种新法律无论是在性质、特征、渊源还是形式上都根源于欧洲中世纪商人法。

    This new kind of law originates from the European medieval law merchant from the perspectives of nature , characteristics , sources as well as the form .

  26. 研究结果在《职业和环境卫生》周刊上发表。他说研究结果为《欧洲工作时间法》提供了依据。

    And he said the findings , published in the Occupational and Environmental Health journal , supported initiative such as the48-hour European Working Time Directive to cut the number of working hours .

  27. 研究结果在《职业和环境卫生》周刊上发表。他说研究结果为《欧洲工作时间法》提供了依据。该法令规定了每周48小时工作制,旨在削减工作时间。

    And he said the findings , published in the Occupational and Environmental Health journal , supported initiative such as the 48-hour European Working Time Directive to cut the number of working hours .

  28. 本文将重点放在研究沉默权的思想渊源上,指出其思想渊源来自基督教的学说和教义以及欧洲大陆普通法。

    The article plays great value on the research of the thoughtful source of the right to silence , pointing out that it originates from Christian doctrine and the common law of European continents .

  29. 在这一过程中.伴随中世纪后期西方社会的变迁而产生的城市及其制度、尤其是欧洲中世纪城市法对当时及以后西方法制的发展起到了极为重要的启蒙作用。

    During this process , cities and city systems especially city law in European Medieval time which emerged with the change of western society in the later pened of Medieval time played a most important enlightenment role in the development of western legality at that time and later time .

  30. 该组织指称亚马逊Kindle的有关规定违反了挪威及欧洲地区的合同法。

    Although Amazon reserves the right to change the terms at any time , a common clause in US agreements , the Council claims this violates Norwegian and European contract law .