
  • 网络Euler;James Oler;Ulf von Euler;L.Euler
  1. 从拉格朗日坐标和欧勒坐标来建立多体动力学的精确方程.在分析Klimontovich理论框架的基础上,建立力学层次的相对论等离子体经典多体动力学的基本方程组。

    Strict equations of multi-particle dynamics are established by means of Lagrange coordinates and Euler coordinates . The framework of Klimontovich theory is analysed . Basic equations of relativistic multi-particle dynamics for a classical relativistic plasma are given .

  2. 自制简易欧勒角演示模型简介

    An introduction of a simple self-made demonstration model of Euler angles

  3. 刚体转动欧勒角演示教具

    Demonstrator of the Euler angle in rigid body turning

  4. 在线性理论中,欧勒描述和拉格朗日描述之间是没什么不同的。

    In linear theory there is no difference between Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions .

  5. 欧勒是著名的瑞士数学家。

    Leonhard Euler is a famous Swiss mathematician .

  6. 本文介绍了笔者自行设计的简易欧勒角演示模型的制作和使用。

    This article shows the make and use of the simple Euler Angles model designed by the author herself .