
  1. 简单剪切&中国活动构造变形主要机制

    Simple shear : main deformation mechanism of active tectonics in China

  2. 文中设计了3种类型的基底收缩挤压砂箱实验模型和一种基底无收缩挤压砂箱实验模型,用于研究柴达木盆地北缘新生代构造的变形机制。

    Three types of sandbox models with contractive substrate and one without contractive substrate were employed to study the deformation mechanism of Cenozoic structures in northern Qaidam Basin .

  3. 乌鲁木齐西山断层系的新构造变形特征与机制

    Neotectonic deformation feature and mechanism of the Xishan fault system in r ü mqi

  4. 连云港-苏州区域大剖面构造特征与变形机制

    Structural Characteristics and Deformation Mechanisms of Lianyungang-Suzhou Section

  5. 江南造山带北部早中生代岳阳&赤壁断褶带构造特征及变形机制研究

    A geometrical and kinematic analysis of the Early-Mesozoic Yueyang-Chibi fold-thrust belt in southern Jiangnan orogen

  6. 青藏高原构造动力及变形机制的弹性有限元分析

    The analysis of tectonic dynamics and deformation mechanics of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau by elastic finite element method

  7. 阐述青峰断裂带构造特征及变形机制,分析与断裂带有关的铅锌矿床地质特征,对其控矿因素、成矿模式作了初步探讨,并首次阐明该区铅锌矿床为沉积喷流~改造型矿床。

    This paper deals with the structural characteristics and deformation of the Qingfeng fault and its related lead-zinc deposits . The ore-controlling factors and metallurgical model have been discussed .

  8. 据此,笔者认为:(1)煤构造变形的韧性机制主要发生在煤级较低阶段,而在煤级较高阶段则以脆性机制为主导;

    The authors consider that ( 1 ) the ductile mechanism of tectonic deformation of coal dominate at the initial stage of metamorphism , and the brittle mechanism in the later stage of metamorphism ;

  9. 渤海盆地构造变形分析及其拗陷机制

    Structural Deformation Analysis and the Depressing Mechanism of Bohai Basin

  10. 库车盆地依南气田构造变形特征及动力学机制

    Features and Dynamics for Structure Deformation of Yinan Gas Field in Kuqa Basin , Northwestern China

  11. 研究超高压变质岩超微构造特征相关的变形机制与变形历史以及与特殊出溶结构相关的俯冲深度信息可以为大陆深俯冲和折返的构造模式提供重要依据。

    Research of deformational mechanism and deformational history correlate microstructural characteristics of UHP metamorphic rock and research of subduction depth information correlate special exsolution structure could provided important evidence for tectonic model of continent crust subduction and exhumation .

  12. 从中国大陆地震的特点出发,提出了活动地块假说,用于描述中国大陆现今构造变形的特征和机制,探索大陆强震的发生机理和预测方法。

    Based on characteristics of large earthquakes in continental China , the project proposes " active crustal block " hypothesis to describe mechanism of present day tectonic deformation , and to exploit mechanism and methods of predictions of large earthquakes .

  13. 长乐&南澳剪切带晋江段构造岩特征及其构造变形机制

    Features and Deformation Mechanism of the Tectonite in the Jinjiang Segment of the Changle & Nan'ao Shear Belt

  14. 阿尔金构造系晚更新世中晚期以来的构造隆升及其变形机制

    Tectonic Uplift and Deformation Mechanism of the Altun Structural System Since the Middle - Late Period of Late Pleistocene Time

  15. 本文通过对该地区容县、信宜等地区糜棱岩组构测量和分析,结合本地区构造变形的构造形迹及前人研究资料对该区构造变形的动力学机制和大地构造背景进行了探讨分析。

    Combining structural feature of tectonic strain and the existed research data , this article discuss and analyze the kinetic mechanism of tectonic strain and tectonic setting by measuring and analyzing mylonite fabric in this area .

  16. 本文主要利用GPS速度场的观测资料分析了高原现今构造变形特征,并结合地质,地球物理资料分析了高原现今构造变形的岩石圈动力机制。

    This paper gets the morden deformation by using the data of GPS technology and analyzes the deformation dynamic mechanisms further more by combining the geology and the physics of geology .

  17. 构造物理模拟实验是研究地质构造的一种有效方法,是帮助地质学家研究构造变形过程和形成机制的重要方法。

    Construction of physical simulation experiment is an effective method of researching the geological structure , and also is an important means to help geologists to understand the process of tectonic deformation and Formation mechanism .