
  • 网络frame structures
  1. 750kV变电构架结构选型

    Selection of 750 kV Substation Truss Structures

  2. 新型地铁转向架构架结构分析与测试

    The Structure Analysis and Test of the New Metro Bogie Frame

  3. 国外承力筒与构架结构应用浅析

    Analysis on Application of heavy bobbin and frame structure abroad

  4. 储箱平铺多燃料卫星平台的主承力构架结构

    Main Heavy Truss with More Fuel of Satellite Platform Structure

  5. 新型3轴转向架构架结构优化设计

    Optimization design for new type 3-axle bogie frame structure

  6. 北京复八线地铁改造车辆构架结构强度分析

    Structural Strength Analysis on the Improved Metro Vehicle Frame of Beijing Fu-Ba Line

  7. 典型构架结构为梁、格栅、平面的和空间的框架或桁架。

    Typical framed structures are beams , grids , plane and space frames or trusses .

  8. 同时,讨论了一类M-完全正则半环的坚固构架结构。

    At the same time , we investigate the sturdy frames of M-completely regular semirings .

  9. 基于Internet/Intranet的已有变电构架结构质量管理系统研究

    Research on the management system of the existing substation truss 's quality based on Internet / Intranet

  10. 因此有必要对构架结构参数和悬挂系统参数作进一步优化和研究。

    Therefore it is necessary to further optimize and study the frame parameters and suspension system parameters .

  11. 用随机方向法进行了基于可靠性分析的构架结构的优化。

    The truss structures optimization design based on reliability analysis is completed by using the random direction method .

  12. 构架结构静强度在设计阶段可以通过计算,并结合相关理论进行评估从而得到保证。

    The intensity of a frame can be ensured by the calculation combining with the corresponding theory at the design stage .

  13. 针对转向架构架结构的复杂性,研究了构架广义模块化设计方法及其性能仿真。

    For the complex of bogie frame structure , the generalized modular design method and the performance simulation of frame are studied .

  14. 区域顾问扮演着全球支持构架结构,提供为本地专家提供便利的使用权,这样就降低了时区和语言所带来的麻烦。

    The regional mentors act as a global support structure providing convenient access to local experts , thus reducing the challenges with time zones and languages .

  15. 本文用结构分析的有限元法求得超静定构架结构元件的内力,并用结构刚度矩阵的奇异性来判定结构是否失效。

    This paper gives the internal force of members of redundant truss structures by using the finite element method of structure analysis . Complete failure of the structures is determined by investigating singularity of the structure stiffness matrix .

  16. 仿真结果表明制动高频振动与转向架构架结构和悬挂系统有关,可通过改进构架设计或调整转向架参数予以避免。

    The numerical simulation results show that the chatter is related to the structure of the bogie frame , and the suspension system . The brake high frequency vibrating can be avoid by adjust the parameters of the bogie system or changing the bogie frame design .

  17. 文章根据单片机和FPGA相关课程的教学要求,详细介绍了电子综合实验设备的设计思路、构架、结构特点以及用途。

    This thesis introduces the design thought , composition , characteristics and usage of electronics synthesis experimental equipment in detail , according to the teaching demand of SCM and FPGA courses .

  18. 在HP工作站上、DDM/DIMENSIONIII系统下开发的锅炉构架三维结构设计与分析软件(HBCSS)的研制过程、软件构成及其主要功能、特点。

    It is demonstrated that the development , constitute , the main function and characteristic of the Dimension ⅲ software used in boiler steel structure design and analysis , developed in the DDM / DIMENSION ⅲ system of HP work-station .

  19. 同时利用UIC-ORE多轴应力转化为单轴应力疲劳强度评估方法,对该构架主体结构进行疲劳强度评定。

    Meanwhile , the fatigue strength of the frame is also analyzed in this paper by using the evaluation mothed of UIC-ORE , transform the muti-axial stress condition to the uniaxial stress condition .

  20. 构建灰色综合评价模型是对供应商评价方法的创新,建立合作伙伴之间的利润分配模型是对战略合作伙伴关系协调方法的创新,构架MDDSS结构框架是一种尝试。

    Setting up a grey comprehensive evaluation model is the innovation of supplier selection method . Establishing an allocation of benefit model for partnership is the innovation means of strategic partnership harmony . Putting forward the framework of MDDSS is an attempt .

  21. 最后,给出了集成构架的结构及组成。

    At last the structure and constitution of the integration framework are given .

  22. 最后提出了再生混凝土应用于钢网构架混凝土结构的前景。

    The main part of this engineering is the reinforced concrete frame structure .

  23. 锅炉构架三维结构设计与分析软件研制

    The Development of the Dimension ⅲ Software Used in Boiler Steel Structure Design & Analysis

  24. 重点对锋火密集波分实验室做了深入研究,分析其系统构架,结构单元及运营网络管理等。

    It deeply researched on WHI dense wavelength division multiplexing laboratory , and it analyzed its system skeleton , structural unit , operation network management and so on .

  25. 提出了基于产品数据管理的异地协同设计系统的构架、结构模式,详细分析了系统的功能要求和实现途径。

    Bring forward framework and structure model of cooperative design system on basis of product data management and analyze functional requirements and implementing approaches of the system in details .

  26. 从能力与活动的联系出发,参考了波特的价值链,构架了结构合理,便于识别和管理的企业的能力体系,从而为企业的能力管理提供了基础。

    Constructing a competence system of the firm to provide basis for competence managemnent , which is derived from Porter 's Value-Chain in consideration of the linkage between activities and the competence .

  27. 针对土木工程领域的特点,主要从科学计算可视化的角度,对结构受力的计算机动态模拟技术进行了研究,并提出了结构受力动态模拟系统的基本构架及结构动态分析可视化的通用方法。

    On the basis of characteristics of both structure engineering and structure analysis software , from the view of scientific visualization , the basic system of structure dynamic simulation and common structure visualizations are proposed in this paper .

  28. 突破传统钢制构架箱形结构形式,采用铸造铝合金和铝型材对构架各梁体分别成型,然后通过螺栓进行连接。

    So as to breach the box form structure of tradition steeliness bogie frame , it uses the cast aluminum alloy and Aluminum profile to replace steels and adopt the method of bolt joint to assemble the whole structure .

  29. 它通过状态集增强构架静态结构的描述能力,通过行为描述集和约束集对构架的动态行为进行扩充,采用自适应控制器来使构架具有自适应能力。

    It uses state set to enforce the describe ability of static structure of architecture , with action set and constraint set it extend the dynamic behavior of architecture , also it introduces self-adaptive machine to make the architecture self-adaptive .

  30. 结合焊接构架的结构特征,给出了广义模块定义及其函数表达,分析了参数化模块、柔性模块和虚拟模块的划分方法及其特点,论述了广义模块化产品重构设计方法。

    Combine the characteristics of the welded frame , a generalized module defines and its function expression is given , structural characteristics and classification method of parameterized modules , flexible modules and virtual modules are analyzed , and the generalized modular reconfigurable design method is discussed .