  • for a roof trusses
  • 量词,一个房架称一榀。

  1. 采用改进动量BP神经网络算法对一五榀桁架结构进行了损伤识别数值模拟研究。

    A damage numerical verification study on a five-bay truss was carried out by using an improved momentum BP neural network .

  2. 青岛国际帆船中心是2008年奥运会帆船帆板比赛场地之一,其媒体中心钢屋面结构比较特殊,单榀平面结构为圆弧形H型钢梁和圆管柱铰接而成。

    The steel roofing of Qingdao International Sailboat Center for 2008 Olympic Games is shaped as quarter arc , which is made of H-beam and pipe column .

  3. 本文设计并完成了一榀10m跨索支承实腹式预应力钢拱模型试验。

    A model test on a 10m span cable-strut arch frame was designed and carried out in this paper .

  4. 为研究门式拱架轻型房屋钢结构在静力荷载作用下平面内的受力性能和变形特性,对一榀跨度10m门式拱架进行静力加载试验。

    The load capacity and deformation of a 10-m spanned gabled arch steel frame were measured with static loading conditions .

  5. 为研究直接焊接方钢管桁架的静力工作性能,进行了两榀直接焊接K型间隙方钢管桁架静力试验。

    A static test program on two trusses which include directly welded gap K-joints is carried out , the aim of the work is to study the static behavior of the directly welded SHS truss .

  6. 针对某实际空间索杆结构的承重索预应力松弛现象,采用BP神经网络与基于振动的损伤识别方法,分别对单榀承重索和双榀承重索的预应力松弛进行了识别研究。

    Using the back-propagation neural network and the damage identification method based on structural dynamic responses , prestress-looses of single load-bearing cable and double load-bearing cable s in a practical spatial cable-strut structure are diagnosed .

  7. 通过按正交设计的16榀框支墙梁的有限元结果分析,采用Matlab程序回归得出了托梁控制截面弯矩计算的简单公式,可以供设计者参考。

    Using finite element method for 16 frame-supported continuous masonry walls composed with the normal law , the paper presentes a simple method of calculating bending moment of control cross section of joists based on Matlab .

  8. 进行了3榀单层两跨带楼板填充墙RC框架结构试件在低周往复荷载作用下的抗震性能试验,重点研究砌体填充墙及其布置形式和楼板对框架结构抗震性能影响。

    Three one-storey , two-bay RC infilled frames were tested under cyclic loading to investigate the effects of infill walls , infilled configuration and slab on the seismic behavior of RC frame structures .

  9. 运用有限元软件ANSYS对一榀等跨六层框架进行有限元分析,其中用梁单元模拟梁、柱,弹簧单元模拟梁柱连接的半刚性。

    We use the software ansys to analysis a six-floor framework with the same span , where we use the beam element to simulate beam and column , use spring element to simulate the semi-rigidity of the beam-column connection .

  10. 方法利用单输入单输出(SISO)模态试验方法和数值模拟方法,对一榀钢管混凝土柱-H钢梁框架结构模型的动力特性进行测试分析。

    The Single Input and Single Output ( SISO ) modal experiment and numerical simulation was used to study the dynamic behavior of a CFST column-H steel beam frame structure model .

  11. 采用本文方法及MC模拟算法分析了一榀三层铪框架侧向变形能力弹塑性时变可靠度,结果表明了本文方法的合理性与有效性。

    As an example , the time-dependent reliability of lateral deformation capacity for a three-storey frame under strong earthquake is analysed by this method and Monte Carlo method . The result expresses the rationality and effectiveness of the method .

  12. 本文利用有限元软件ANSYS分析节点刚度对桁架静动力性能的影响。首先,按照《钢结构设计规范》设计一榀直接焊接K型间隙方钢管Warren桁架。

    In this paper , the effect of joint stiffness on static and dynamical behavior of SHS-truss is studied by ANSYS . First , one warren truss with gapped K-type joints is designed according to the Code for design of steel structure .

  13. 针对某公路大桥施工过程中两榀跨径40m的预应力混凝土T形主梁出现开裂的工程实例,分析了裂缝产生的原因;

    This paper discusses the causes of the construction crack , existing in two pre stressed concrete T beams of 40 m span during the construction of a highway bridge .

  14. 本文基于Pushdown分析方法分别对两榀平面钢框架在单根柱和两根柱失效的情况下进行连续倒塌的受力机理分析。

    In this paper , a progressive collapse analysis for two planar steel frame structures about one and two column removal is carried out based on Pushdown method .

  15. 为了了解木桁架结构的承载能力,对四榀跨度6m的轻型木桁架进行了静力加载试验,通过试验了解了该种木桁架的荷载-变形关系以及可能的破坏形式。

    For the purpose of understanding the bearing capacity of light wood truss , the load carrying tests for four light wood trusses with 6 meters span were carried out so as to know the load - deformation relationship and probable failure modes of wood truss .

  16. 无锡市体育会展馆是由会展馆和体育馆组成,其屋盖体系主要是由10榀81m和10榀110m跨度的无预应力倒三角钢管桁架组成。

    The Wuxi Sports Meeting and Exhibition Hall consists of a meeting and exhibition building and a stadium , its roof system is composed of ten 81 meters span and ten 110 meters span non-prestress inverse-triangle steel pipe trusses .

  17. 为了研究SRC框架在地震荷载作用下的工作性能,本文采用计算机-作动器联机试验方法进行了一榀单跨两层SRC框架结构地震反应试验研究.输入的地震波为ELCENTRO(1940NS)波。

    In order to study the aseismic behavior of SRC frame , the pseudo-dynamic test of one-bay two-story SRC frame 's aseismic behavior has been carried out by using computer-actuator on-line system . The input earthquake wave is ELCENTRO ( 1940NS ) .

  18. 上海新国际博览中心8馆的屋盖结构由16榀跨度为72m的鱼腹式空间钢桁架组成。

    The roof structure of the hall 8 of Shanghai New International Expo Center is composed of 16 spatial fish-bellied steel trusses , whose span is 72m . Due to the diamond cross section , the stiffness of the trusses is weaker .

  19. 大跨度预弯预应力组合梁双榀预压施工技术

    Double-Beam Precompressed Construction Technology of Large Span Pre-Bending Prestressed Composite Beams

  20. 榀侧向刚度矩阵及措层结构的空间协同分析

    Structure Stiffness Martrix and Space-cooperation Analysis of the Shifted Structure

  21. 速滑馆的屋盖结构,是由60榀预应力(?)

    The roof structure is composed of 60 prestressed concrete (?)

  22. 本文主要探讨和研究了单榀张弦梁结构的找形计算分析理论。

    This paper is mainly about the theory of form-finding of single BSS .

  23. 我们出售商榀是以装船重量为准,不是以卸货重量为准。

    We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight .

  24. 考虑行波效应下单榀钢管拱桁架的非线性地震反应分析

    Nonlinear earthquake response analysis of single steel tubular arch truss under travelling wave effect

  25. 板与周边框架相连接制作成两榀蒙皮组合体。

    The panels link with peripheral frame to make into two stressed skin diaphragms assemblies .

  26. 大型钢屋架的整榀运输

    Integral Transportation of Large Steel Roof Truss

  27. 完成了4榀平面钢框架结构的极限承载力试验。

    Plane steel frames were tested .

  28. 进行三榀典型组合箱梁模型试验,进行多工况弹性试验和两点单调加载破坏试验。

    Three samples of simple-supported composite box beam are tested , including elastic state and limit state .

  29. 对单榀张弦梁的索力损失和腹杆损伤进行了试验研究。

    The cable prestressing loss and web members damage experiment of a beam string structure was carried out .

  30. 随后进行了两榀两层配筋砌块砌体剪力墙在不同竖向荷载下的单调加载受剪性能试验。

    The monotonic shear testing of two-story model reinforced masonry shear wall in different compressive force was performed .