
  • 网络non-coal mine
  1. 非煤矿山机电设备风险评价及控制

    Risk Evaluation and Control of Non-coal Mine Mechanical and Electrical Equipments

  2. 潜在灾害隐患突出,且煤炭矿山重于非煤矿山,金属矿山重于非金属矿山;

    The latent disaster is obvious , especially the coal mine is more serious than the non-coal mine and the metal mine is serious than the non-metal mine ;

  3. 灰色理论在非煤矿山事故预测中的应用

    Application of Gray Theory to the Prediction of Non-coal Mine Accidents

  4. 中美非煤矿山职业健康法律法规标准对比分析

    Contrast Analysis of Sino-America Non-coal Mine Occupational Health Regulations and Standards

  5. 非煤矿山重大安全隐患整体解决方案研究

    Study on the Overall Solution of Major Safety Risks in Non-Coal Mines

  6. 随着矿山的发展,德兴铜矿除了探索出了一套行之有效的系统适用于非煤矿山的无隐患安全管理方法外,还探索出了一套适用于危化品的无隐患安全管理方法。

    With the mine development , Dexing Copper Mine explored one set of non-hidden trouble safety management not only to non-coal mine but also to dangerous chemicals .

  7. 根据国家相关的法律法规条文,对非煤矿山实际的安全生产基本条件进行了调查和评价。

    In accordance with the related state laws and regulations , investigation and assessment of the real basic conditions of safe production at non coal mines were made .

  8. 爆破工程是我国非煤矿山开采的最主要的方式,伴随着我国非煤矿山开采量的增加,非煤矿山进行爆破作业日益频繁,爆破事故正处于高发期。

    Now blasting engineering is the main way to exploit mine in non-coal mine in our country , with the increasing need of mine , the operations of blasting have become increasingly frequent , however the blasting accident is also in frequency .

  9. 笔者借鉴类似行业的评价方法并结合多年地下工程安全经验,综合应用国内外岩体力学研究和测试的成果,建立了针对非煤矿山地下开挖工程的安全分级体系。

    Some risk assessment approaches in relevant fields were applied to establish the safety gradation for the underground excavation engineering in non-coal mines depending upon a great number of the achievements in rock mechanics and measuring techniques and the research experiences in this field .

  10. 并对矿山灾害发生实施应急决策过程进行模拟,可迅速生成应急救援方案和救援路线图,清晰直观,系统可普遍应用于各非煤矿山,为其安全管理工作提供有效支持。

    And I have simulated process of the implementation emergency decision-making when the mine disaster occurs , it can produce the rescue road map rapidly , clear and direct-viewing , the system may apply generally in each non-coal mine , it can provide effective support for its safety control work .

  11. 基于BP神经网络的非煤地下矿山安全评价模型

    Safety Assessment Model of Underground Non-coal Mine Based on BP Neural Network

  12. 基于非煤露天矿山的安全评价方法

    Safe assessment method based on non-coal open-oit mine

  13. 通过分析和比较,在多级模糊综合评判的基础上,选择了较优的模糊综合算子,对非煤露天矿山的安全现状进行评价。

    Through comparing and analyzing , and on the basis of the multistage fuzzy mathematics theory , an excellent fuzzy comprehensive operator is selected .

  14. 非煤地下矿山是个大而复杂的系统,进行安全评价必须首先对系统中存在的主要危险、有害因素逐个进行辩识。

    Non-coal underground mine is big and complex system , carry out safe appraisement must first the existent major dangerous , harmful factor in system argue one by one to know .

  15. 根据非煤地下矿山2001年的主要统计数据,进行了按行业、事故类型、企业性质进行分析,根据以上的分析得出伤亡事故的特点和规律。

    According to the non-coal major statistical data of mining 2001 years takes profession , accident type and enterprise nature analyse , according to above analysis , reach law and the characteristic of casualty accidents .

  16. 根据非煤矿山安全现状,指出在当前和今后一段时间,应积极推进非煤矿山专项安全评价;

    According to safety circumstance in non-coal mines , it is pointed out that special safety assessment should be positively made in non-coal mines at present and in a coming period .