
  • 网络tectonic denudation
  1. 峰期变质阶段温、压同时达峰值,之后为等温快速降压过程,与构造剥蚀有关;

    Pressure and temperature reached peak values simultaneously in the setting of shortening at the early peak metamorphic stage , and then isothermal rapid pressure decreased was related to tectonic denudation .

  2. 燕山晚期岩体隆升和降温由早期构造剥蚀和晚期风化剥蚀造成,并具有良好的盆地沉积响应。

    The Late Yanshanian uplift and the cooling of the plutons were caused by early tectonic denudation and late weathering erosion , which led to the good deposition response in basins .

  3. 生物礁生存和发育有着严格的生存环境,但由于构造剥蚀作用,造成塔里木盆地中晚奥陶世原始沉积环境破坏殆尽。

    Organic reef formation and development rely on very unique environment , but original sedimentary environment in middle to late Ordovician in Tarim was destroyed completely due to structure eroded .

  4. 各主要构造时期剥蚀地层的恢复;

    Restoring of the thichness of denudational strata during various main structural periods ;

  5. 根据物理化学原理,建立了完全封闭条件下构造抬升剥蚀后地层流体压力的定量计算公式。

    Based on the principles of physical chemistry , a formula is established for quantitatively calculating formation fluid pressure after tectonic uplifting and erosion in a closed system .

  6. 根据镜质体反射率与深度关系等资料恢复了不同构造单元的剥蚀厚度。

    It is recovery of denudation thickness of the different tectonic element on base of the relation between vitrinite reflectance and depth .

  7. 同时,也应该考虑构造抬升、剥蚀作用和化学风化等构造和沉积作用对物源区判定的影响。

    Meanwhile , the influence structure and sedimentation such as structure uplift , erosion , chemical weathering on provenance can not be neglected .

  8. 现今的鄂尔多斯盆地是经历了构造运动和剥蚀作用改造后的残留盆地,通过构造分析和利用盆地周边的沉积记录进行对比,恢复了鄂尔多斯侏罗纪的原型盆地。

    The Ordos basin now is the relict basin having undergone tectonic movement and denudation . Resume Ordos prototype basin in Jurassic , through tectonic analyze and using sedimentary track record comparison around the basin .

  9. 开发了三维油气盆地定量描述和动态模拟软件系统,对塔里木盆地进行了全面研究。三期构造运动所剥蚀的(古生界)排油气损失量之和约占累积排油气量的12%左右。

    It is considered that a large amount of oil-gas lost in above three tectonic movements accounts for some 12 % of total expulsion of hydrocarbon based on 3D quantitative oil - gas basin description and dynamic simulation .

  10. 研究认为钻探失利是所钻圈闭构造位置较高、剥蚀强烈、油气保存条件差所致。

    It is believed that drilling failure is due to the high structural position of the drilled trap , strong denudation and poor oil and gas . preservation conditions .

  11. 龙门山前陆盆地的演化过程是由冲断带若干次构造负载阶段与剥蚀卸载阶段组成的,总体上可以分为三个构造负载阶段和三个剥蚀卸载阶段。

    The evolvement process of the Longmen Shan foreland basin consist of several stages of thrust belt tectonic load and several stages of thrust belt denudation unload . It can be divided into three tectonic load stages and three denudation unload stages .

  12. 影响火山岩裂缝的因素有构造运动、风化剥蚀、地表流体溶蚀、岩石矿物成分,各种矿物成分的含量,岩石内部结构等。

    There exist many factors affecting the fractures in volcanic rocks , such as tectonic movement , weathering denudation , subsurface fluid solution , rock mineral composition , and contents of various mineral constituents as well as inner structures in them , etc.