
gòu jià
  • framework;frame;truss;carcass;airframe (of a rocket);buck;panel work
构架 [gòu jià]
  • [airframe (of a rocket)] 结构材木。指建筑

构架[gòu jià]
  1. 在构架上钻一串孔。

    Drill a series of holes in the frame .

  2. 木构架和金属底盘都没有采取防腐措施。

    Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.

  3. 该机器的精妙之处在于其构架呈流线型。

    The secret of the machine lies in the aerodynamic shape of the frame .

  4. 但是,像特雷蒙特酒店这样结构庞大、构架沉重的六层砖制建筑呢?

    But what about large , heavy structures like the Tremont Hotel , which was a six-story brick building ?

  5. 虽然一开始他像是在逆流而上、孤军奋战,但他坚持不懈,终于说服了股东们不再反对他重建公司构架的计划。

    Although in the beginning it felt like he was swimming upstream , he persevered3 and managed to convince the shareholders4 to drop their resistance to his plans for restructuring the company .

  6. 推动建设开放型经济新体制和区域合作构架,让亚太的大门始终向全世界敞开。

    Economies should " work for new economic institutions and regional cooperation architecture that are open , so that the door of the Asia-Pacific will always be open to the entire world .

  7. 一个语义Web构架及其实现

    A Semantic Web Architecture and its Implementation

  8. 一种基于类构架的agent程序设计方法

    An agent programming method based on class framework

  9. NET远程处理构架及分布式对象处理

    NET Remote Processing Framework and Distributed Object Processing

  10. 基于GIS城市道路交通噪声环境管理系统的构架与实现

    The structure of urban traffic noise environment management system base on GIS

  11. 3D游戏引擎构架概述

    Research on 3D Game Engine Structure

  12. 一种基于EnterpriseJavaBeans~(TM)技术的电力市场竞价系统的构架

    Structure of A Power Market Price-competing System Based on Enterprise JavaBeans ~ ( TM ) Technology

  13. N层构架&灵活性、安全性、可扩展性和高实用性的电子商务构架

    N-tier Architecture & A Step Forward to a Flexible , Secure , Scalable and Highly Available E-commerce Infrastructure

  14. 在ERP系统平台中引用构架的软件复用技术进行软件开发的基本思想。

    ERP system platform quote architecture software reuse technique software develops basic ideology .

  15. 构架以LAN为基础的独立的网络营销社区。

    The independent network marketing areas base on the LANs .

  16. NET和J2EE分布式服务构架,在分布式系统的设计、集成、性能、安全性和可靠性等诸多方面为开发人员提供了详细规范。

    NET and J2EE provide developers detailed specifications in design , integration , performance , security and reliability .

  17. 文章仔细分析了现有电子商务系统在构架上存在的不足和远程访问协议上存在的局限性,创设了基于WEBService的分布式构架。

    The existing shortcomings of the frame of the present E-Commerce system is analyzed carefully and a distributed frame based on Web Service technology is put forward .

  18. 它实际上是一个基于CORBA构架的关系型多数据库查询平台。

    In nature , it is a multi-database query platform based on CORBA frame .

  19. 通过在P2P应用和P2P网络拓扑之间构架一座桥梁,使应用和拓扑分离。

    Bringed up a P2P service based multi-level model to separate the P2P applications and P2P network topology .

  20. 为此,本文主要研究如何将P2P技术应用到多媒体网络教学系统中,构架一个平台,使师生之间能够方便的交流协作。

    Therefore , this paper mainly studies how to apply the P2P technology in the multimedia teaching field .

  21. 根据SOAP/WEBService在Internet/Intranet中运作的原理,对网络考试系统的各个服务模块进行了划分,利用SOAP/WEBService技术建立了分布式网络考试系统构架模型。

    Based on the application of SOAP / Web Service in Internet / Intranet , the SOAP / Web Service has been used to construct a model of distributed network test system .

  22. 构建了一种基于电信运营商的ASP平台构架,提出了ASP基础服务平台的概念和促进ASP产业发展的运作模式。

    A framework of the ASP based on that value chain and its operation mode are put forward .

  23. 本文归纳了RUP的主要核心思想为:用例驱动,以构架为中心的迭代和增量开发。

    Key ideas of RUP are use case driving , iteration of architecture-centric and incremental development .

  24. 基于SIS新型电力可靠性管理系统构架及应用

    Application and Framework of New Power Reliability Administration System on the Basis of SIS

  25. 如果存在Purify错误报告,这个变更是不能继续进入到这个构架的。

    If there are Purify error reports , the change isn 't allowed to proceed into the build .

  26. 预测算法分析及其在基于J2EE构架B-S模式的辅助决策系统中的应用研究

    Study of the Forecast Arithmetic Analysis and Application in DSS Based on J2EE B-S Mode

  27. 基于校园网的VOD系统构架及瓶颈分析

    Research on the Construction of VOD System Based on Campus Network and the Analysis of Bottle-neck

  28. 通过讨论SEMANTICWEB构想的层次框架模型,指出了各层的角色及它们在SEMANTICWEB构架中的作用,着重分析Ontology层的核心作用。

    Based on analyzing the hierarchical architecture of Semantic Web , the roles of each level and the key research , the key point of Ontology level is point out .

  29. 由空间Timoshenko梁构成的构架式基础动力分析

    The dynamic analysis of frame & type foundations consisting of space Timoshenko Beams

  30. 基于COM构架的中间业务逻辑层能够很好地采用这些特性来构建一个稳定的、易于维护和升级、能支持扩展的应用系统。

    The middleware logical layer based on COM can establish a steady , easy maintained and easy upgraded application system by using these specialties .