
  • 网络air and flue gas ducts
  1. 内保温圆形烟风道最优化气体流速的计算

    Calculation of optimal gas flow rate in circular flues with internal insulation

  2. 烟风道波形补偿器设计系统提高了设计的准确性和设计功效。

    The system improves not only design veracity but also design virtue .

  3. 箱形烟风道壳体及膨胀节设计与振动分析

    Design and Vibration Analysis for Box'like Smoke Flue Shells and Expansion Joints

  4. YQ-240/3.82-M型锅炉风机及烟风道振动分析与处理

    Vibration Analysis and Processing of YQ-240 / 3.82-M Boiler Fan and Flue Duct

  5. 矩形烟风道波形补偿器设计计算机系统

    Computer system of bellows expansion joint design

  6. 电厂烟风道异型件阻力系数的数值计算方法

    Numerical Simulation Method on Drag Characteristic of Air & Flue Gas Ducts ′ Irregular Parts in Power Plants

  7. 通过对烟风道的结构改造解决了强度低、运行漏风的问题。

    The problems of low intensity and air leakage were solved through reforming the structure of gas duct .

  8. 大型高温蝶阀采用钢板焊接制造,主要用于高温介质的烟风道和煤气管道。

    The use of large-scale high-temperature steel welding butterfly valve manufacturer , mainly for high-temperature medium duct smoke and gas pipelines .

  9. 火电机组锅炉烟风道系统的金属膨胀节的损坏主要是由于管道三维膨胀、金属低温腐蚀和管系振动等原因造成。

    Abstract Metallic expansion joints in boiler flue due to three dimensional expansion of flue ducts , low temperature metallic corrosion , vibration of the piping system etc.

  10. 矩形烟风道内撑设计计算机系统极大地提高了设计效率和设计质量,工作周期由原来的一人一星期减少到一人一天,且计算结果精确。

    The Computer system for bracing design of Rectangular air & flue gas ducts improves the efficiency and quality of the design , it reduces the work period from " one person one week " to " one person one day ", and the computational result is more precise .

  11. 浅析电厂烟、风道振动原因及现场消振措施

    Analysis on Vibration Reasons of Gas and Air Duct of Power Plant and the Measures to Avoid it