
  • 网络paleostress field;palaeostress field
  1. 储层古应力场的数值模拟气水两相井筒/地层组合数值试井模型的建立和求解

    Establishment and solution of well test numerical model for gas-water two-phase wellbore / formation combination

  2. 确定古应力场的断层擦痕分析法力学原理

    Theoretical basis of a method for the determination of paleotectonic stress field from fault striation analysis

  3. 主干裂隙走向受古应力场的控制,与主应力方向相一致;

    Meanwhile , the orientation of main crack is controlled by stress field , and accords with the principal stress .

  4. 确定发生于各个不同时代断裂活动的古应力场特征。

    After that , the characters of paleostress fields in which fault movements occur in different periods of time can be determined .

  5. 通过对各期构造的褶皱轴迹和共轭节理的统计分析,恢复了印支期、燕山期、喜山期构造的古应力场。

    By statistics and analysis of fold axis 、 lines and conjugate joints in structures of every stages , the paleotectonic stress fields in Indo-chinese stage , Yanshan stage and Himalayan stage were resumed .

  6. 古构造应力场数值模拟及危险性预测研究

    Research on numerical simulation of paleo-tectonic stress fields and hazard prediction

  7. 古构造应力场反演在储层裂缝预测中的应用&以埕北30潜山油藏为例

    Application of Paleotectonic Stress Field Inversion in Reservoir Fracture Forecasting

  8. 鄂尔多斯古构造应力场与中部大气田的联系

    Relationship between paleo tectonic stress fields and major gas fields in Ordos Basin

  9. 浙江衢州新路盆地古构造应力场研究

    The Study on the Paleotectonic Stress Field in XinLu Basin , QuZhou , ZheJiang

  10. 同时,通过对该地区古构造应力场的研究对该地区油气能量分布进行预测;

    Also forecasting the distributing of oil and gas energy by studying the paleo-stress field .

  11. 晋城矿区厚煤层瓦斯抽采技术与实践古构造应力场数值模拟方法探讨&以山西省晋城成庄煤矿区为例

    Thick Seam Gas Drainage Technology and Practices in Jincheng Mining Area ANALYSIS OF NUMERICAL SIMULATION METHOD FOR PALEO-TECTONIC STRESS FIELD

  12. 上述研究完善了研究区古构造应力场的整体研究,为研究区的进一步勘探提供了详实的构造地质依据。

    The study perfects the research of tectonic stress in research area , and gives structural data to the further exploration .

  13. 预测裂缝的手段较多,其中以边界元方法为基础的古构造应力场反演方法得到了越来越多的应用。

    There are many methods for fracture prediction out of which the paleotectonic stress field inversion has got more and more applications .

  14. 广州地区陆相泥盆系石炭系界线研究浙江衢州新路盆地古构造应力场研究

    The Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary of Continental Facies in Guangzhou Area The Study on the Paleotectonic Stress Field in XinLu Basin , QuZhou , ZheJiang

  15. 通过勘探结果的反馈,验证了有限元方法对古构造应力场的反演是有效的、准确的。

    The exploration result reveals that the finite element method , in the study of reversion to fossil-tectonic stress fields , is applicable and correct .

  16. 本文提出了碳酸盐岩裂缝性储层的一种新评价方法&古构造应力场数值模拟法。

    This paper presented an evaluation method of carbonate fractured reservoirs , which is a numerical simulation method for the an ciend structural stress field .

  17. 本文通过大量野外观测,对控制杉木树矿井地质构造的古构造应力场作了较全面的分析和研究。

    Through a lot of observation Outdoors , the palaeotectonic stress field controlling the geological structure in Shamushu Coal Mine has been analysed and studied comprehensively .

  18. 古构造应力场控制着煤储层割理裂隙系统的发育程度和分布规律,现代构造应力场特征影响煤储层割理裂隙系统的开合程度,盆缘斜坡多为高渗区。

    The paleo structural stress field controls the development and distribution of cleat and fracture systems , while the modern field affects the opening and closing of them .

  19. 从构造模拟目标、构造模型建立、构造模拟三个方面探讨了古构造应力场数值模拟的方法。

    This paper analyses the numerical simulation method for Paleo-tectonic Stress Field from three aspects , namely tectonic simulation target , building of the tectonic model and tectonic modeling .

  20. 然后利用有限单元法分别模拟了盆地这两个演化阶段的古构造应力场和应变场特征,进而探讨它们与盆地中部大型平缓隆起及大气田的成因联系。

    Then the tectonic stress field and strain field of the two stages are simulated by using finite element method , and their genetic relationships to the above mentioned large flat uplift and big gas fields in the central Ordos Basin are studied .

  21. 根据古构造变形采用反演与正演相结合的方法,研究储层古构造应力场。

    Based on paleotectonic deformation , a methodology including inverse and forward method is used to investigate reservoir paleostress field .