
  1. 除了准备发行自己的品牌,布兰妮还在准备自己的PieceOfMe美国站和欧洲站巡演,首场演出将于7月12日在华盛顿举行。

    As well as preparing for the launch of her own branded merchandise , Britney is prepping her Piece Of Me U.S. and European tour , which is due to kick off on July 12 in Washington D.C. .

  2. 我的国家必须与你们的国家、与欧洲站在一起,给伊朗发出一个直接信号:它必须放弃核野心。

    My country must stand with yours and with Europe in sending a direct message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions .

  3. 去年的欧洲站,因为磨平轮胎导致了悬挂断裂,从而让他在最后一圈以第一的位置退出比赛,将冠军拱手让人。

    He was robbed of victory in the2005 European GP when a flat-spot-induced suspension failure took him out of the lead on the last lap .

  4. 欧洲需要站起来面对这种威胁。

    Europe needs to stand up to this threat .

  5. 欧洲正站在悬崖边缘,现在是时候终结边缘政策和无休止的政治纷争了。

    As Europe stands at the precipice , it is time to end brinkmanship and political squabbles .

  6. 布什总统和两位到访的欧洲贵宾站在一起对记者说,他预期将主持一次会议,同与会的各国领导人一起研究如何解决金融问题。

    President Bush stood with his two European visitors and said he anticipates hosting a meeting at which world leaders will work to solve the financial problems .

  7. 即使在缅因州的拖拉机上也当做实在欧洲火车站,萨姆林知道如何教会女儿探索世界。

    As comfortable on a tractor in Maine as on a train platform in Europe , Shumlin would teach the girls how to really know and learn the world around them .

  8. 这个论点在欧洲根本就站不住脚。

    This argument simply cannot hold water in Europe .

  9. 爱尔兰的香农机场是从北美启航的飞机到达欧洲的第一站。

    Shannon Airport Ireland was the first European landfall for airplanes flying from n america .

  10. 对参加欧洲四国五站比赛的中国青少年网球运动员竞技能力的分析

    A Study about Athletics Ability of the Junior Tennis Athletes Who Join the Circuit of Europe

  11. 我们曾到过武汉三座火车站中的两座(武昌火车站和汉口火车站),它们都非常接近许多欧洲主要火车站的标准。

    We have used two ( Wuchang and Hankou ) of the three major railway stations in Wuhan , they are all close to the standards of some of the major stations in the Europe .

  12. 欧洲大陆的加油站对这两种卡的接受程度也不固定。

    Their acceptance in Continental petrol stations , too , is not always certain .

  13. 欧洲的经济发电站德国排在第六位,其后是荷兰和丹麦。

    Germany , Europe 's economic powerhouse , was sixth , followed by the Netherlands and Denmark .

  14. 这一项目具有政治诱惑力,因为该项目将避开乌克兰,该国使天然气到达欧洲的主要中转站,但同时也麻烦不断的国家。

    This project has political appeal because it would bypass troublesome Ukraine as the main transit route for gas to Europe .

  15. 本文首先就过去十多年中美国、苏联和欧洲发射的空间站作一简略概括,然后对空间站的构型,用途和未来发展等进行论述。

    This paper deals with various aspects of space station such as composition of space station system , configurations , key technology , application and future development .

  16. 贝莱德在欧洲危机中始终站在政府一边,帮助西班牙、希腊以及爱尔兰政府对其陷入困境的银行所持复杂资产进行估值。

    It has been at the side of governments during the European crisis , helping the Spanish , Greek and Irish governments to value complex holdings at troubled banks .

  17. 这次是我担任总理后的首次出访,把瑞士作为访问欧洲国家的首站,是因为中瑞关系十分紧密、非常友好。

    This is my first overseas trip after becoming the premier of China . I have chosen Switzerland as my first stop in Europe , because we have very close and friendly relations with Switzerland .