首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 最终小钟付了账,但是欧姓男子却认为这侮辱了他。

    Zhong managed to settle up , a gesture that Ou took as an insult .

  2. 据警方表示,当天欧姓男子和朋友一起出去玩,凌晨两点在酒吧碰到了小钟。

    Police said Ou met Zhong at a bar at 2 am while out with friends .

  3. 但是等到买单的时候,欧姓男子和小钟之间爆发了一场善意的争执。

    But when the bill came , a well-meaning argument broke out between Zhong and Ou .

  4. 当天晚上7点,越秀区警方逮捕了欧姓男子,目前他面临故意伤人罪的指控。

    Yuexiu disctrict officers picked up Ou at 7 pm that evening . He faces assault charges .

  5. 据警方透露,随后欧姓男子在饭店外袭击了小钟致使后者昏迷,之后则搭乘出租车扬长而去。

    Police said Ou later assaulted Zhong outside the restaurant before leaving the scene in a taxi , leaving Zhong unconsious .