首页 / 词典 / good

  • sufficient;full;ample
  • fill;charge;stuff;serve as
  • 满、足:~足。~实。~分(fèn )(a.足够;b.尽量)。~沛。~裕。

  • 填满,装满:填~。~满(a.填满,布满;b.充分具有)。~耳不闻。~电。汗牛~栋。

  • 当,担任:~当。~军。

  • 假装:冒~。~数(shù)。

  • 姓。


(满; 充足) sufficient; full; ample:

  • 供应充分

    have ample supplies


(装满; 塞住) fill; charge; stuff:

  • 他给汽车的电池充了电。

    He charged the battery of his car.


(担任; 充当) serve as; act as:

  • 那个箱子充作我们的桌子。

    That box served us as a table.

  • 他充任委员会的秘书。

    He acted as secretary to the board.


(冒充) pretend to be; pose as; pass sth. off as:

  • 充好汉

    pose as a hero;

  • 充内行

    pretend to be an expert


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 充向

    Chong Xiang

  1. 其次,本文详细地介绍了HH集团、F公司、F公司采购组织的背景资料,如现状、产品、客户等,让读者可以对本课题的研究环境有比较充份的了解和认识。

    Thirdly , it elaborates on the background information about HH Enterprise Group , F Company and its Purchasing Organization , such as their current situation , products and clients , which help readers have a sufficient comprehension and cognition on the research environment of the question for study .

  2. 基于充分度的可测性设计理论研究

    Theory on Design for Testability Based on the Sufficient Measure

  3. 他给自己的自行车上了油,给轮胎充了气。

    He oiled his bike and pumped up the tyres .

  4. 钻机充一次电大约要三个小时。

    The drill takes about three hours to recharge .

  5. 之前尝试过几次将鱼缸中的水过滤并充氧,但都没有成功。

    Previous attempts at filtering and oxygenating aquarium water had failed .

  6. 如果充上电,它就会带有磁性。

    If we charge it with electricity , it will become magnetic .

  7. 他给汽车的电池充了电。

    He charged the battery of his car .

  8. 请充许我祝酒。

    Allow me to propose a toast . ; With your permission , I 'll propose a toast .

  9. 参加你们队,我只能充个数。

    I 'll act as a stopgap on your team .

  10. 他受贿的财物全部充了公。

    All bribes and gifts that he took were confiscated .

  11. 车胎的气充得很足。

    The tyre is fully inflated .

  12. 用作硬质合金,磁性材料,金刚石工具,高温合金,可充电池等

    Applications : used in carbide alloy , diamond tools , biding admixture , high-temperature alloy , rechargeable cell .

  13. 但是,如果他们在入职之前能够有几周时间给自己充充电,他们就有可能精神振奋地来到新岗位,充满能量而且立马就能有高效的工作状态。

    If , however , they spend a couple of weeks recharging their batteries , they 'll arguably come to their new post refreshed , energized6 and instantly productive .

  14. 魅力超男是自信、有型有款、对于人生各方面都有坚定追求的异性恋男性。与都市型男相比,都市型男只对他自己感兴趣,而魅力超男对事业和信条充满热情。都市型男修饰头发,而魅力超男充实头脑。

    Ubersexual is a heterosexual male who is confident , stylish and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life . In comparison with metrosexual , the ubersexual is passionate his mind , the metrosexual grooms his hair .

  15. 磁标记大鼠肾脏骨髓间充质干细胞移植MR成像研究

    MR imaging of implanted magnetically labeled rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in normal kidney

  16. 离体工作鼠心再充氧时SOD活力变化的意义及维生素C的作用

    Changes in SOD activity and effect of vitamin C in the reperfusion of isolated working rat heart

  17. 包钴球型Ni(OH)2在充放电过程中的结构变化

    Structural changes of spherical Ni ( OH ) 2 coated by cobalt during charge / discharge

  18. VEGF在骨髓间充质干细胞向内皮细胞诱导分化中的作用及分化机制研究

    Research on Roles of VEGF and Mechanisms in the Differentiation from Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Endothelial Cells

  19. 可充锂电池用非晶态MnO2/C纳米复合材料的直接合成及其电化学性能研究

    Direct synthesis and electrochemical performance of manganese oxide / C nanocomposites for rechargeable Li batteries

  20. 骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)为诱导中胚层未分化间充质细胞向成骨细胞方向分化的诱导因子。

    BMP induces differentiation of mesenchymal-type cells into osteoblast cells .

  21. 石墨负极充放电过程的DFT研究

    Theoretical Studies on the Charge and Discharge Processes of Graphite Cathode with DFT Method

  22. 目的:探讨体外分离培养、纯化SD大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MesenchymalStemcells,MSCs)的方法,明确增殖及生长特征。

    Objective : To investigate the character and multiplication of mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) from SD-rat bone marrow in vitro .

  23. X射线衍射分析(XRD)、电化学交流阻抗频谱(EIS)、恒流充放电等方法检测了其结构与电化学特征。

    The structure and electrochemical characteristics were examined by XRD , electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and constant current charge-discharge circling methods .

  24. 间充质干细胞抑制T淋巴细胞增殖减轻移植后GVHD机制研究

    Mesenchymal stem cells alleviate GVHD by suppressing allogenetic T lymphocytes proliferation

  25. 采用XRD及SEM、恒电流充放电、循环伏安测试研究了产物Li1+xV3O8的物理和电化学特征。

    Physical characteristics and electrochemical performances of Li1 + xV3O8 were investigated by XRD , SEM , galvanostatic charge-discharge and cyclic voltammogram tests .

  26. 有限元网格对RTM充模模拟的影响

    Influence of Finite Element Mesh on Mold-filling Simulation in RTM

  27. 将电池内阻与内压相联系,研究了直封MH/Ni电池在充放电过程及循环寿命测试实验中的内阻变化情况。

    The internal resistance of directly - sealed MH / Ni batteries had been investigated during charging and discharging cycle .

  28. 分析了LiFeS2电池的可充性和安全性。

    The recharge and the security of Li-FeS_2 battery were analyzed in this paper .

  29. 采用恒电流&恒电压充放电、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)等电化学测试技术对电池的高倍率放电、循环稳定性、电极阻抗等电化学性能进行了测试分析。

    The electrochemical properties of the lithium-ion battery were tested by the electrochemical impedance spectra ( EIS ), etc.

  30. LCM充模过程中的边缘效应

    Edge effect in the mold filling of LCM