
  1. 用microsoftexcel自动编制外业观测计算表

    Auto Working out Calculation Tables of Field Observation Using Microsoft Excel

  2. 编制外人员的情绪和工作态度将更多的相关与外在的组织条件因素,例如工作条件、政策、待遇等等。

    The emotions and working attitudes of personnel outside establishment will related to more exterior factors , such as working conditions , policies and salaries . 5 .

  3. 研究的目的和意义编制外人员是公立医院人力资源的重要组成部分和有益补充,强化编制外人员管理,对于公立医院适应市场经济发展,推动医院全面科学发展具有积极的现实意义。

    To strengthen the management of personnel outside establishment has active significance for public hospitals to adapt the development of market economy and in promoting comprehensive and scientific development of the hospital .

  4. 济南市公立医院编制外人员用工数量庞大,编制外人员数量在医院占的比重呈不断扩大趋势,编制外人员在医院的不同岗位发挥着不容忽视的作用,为医院的建设发展做出较大贡献。

    Personnel outside establishment of Jinan public hospitals are a large number , which keeps increasing in the proportion of the staff of the hospital . They play an important role in various posts of hospitals and contribute greatly to the development of hospitals .

  5. 除了传授更多关于rexx脚本编制的知识外,还将提供相应的实用数据库示例。

    Beyond teaching more about rexx scripting , they are practical database examples in their own right .

  6. 叙述了新设样地折线测设定位方法的原理及计算方法,编制了适合于外业调查使用的计算应用程序。

    Principles and calculation method were described of polygonal line setting and positioning of new sample plot . Application programme was appropriate for field work and could increase work efficiency .

  7. 本文探讨了中国聋儿康复文献数据库建设的学科体系、叙词编制及检索和外库移植等问题,该库的建立对聋儿康复专业图书馆实现信息数字化和网络化具有积极意义。

    The viewpoint of the database construction for rehabilitation for deaf children in China , The construction of this database will conduce to realize digital information and information network service in the library .