
  • 网络braid;Braiding Wire;Litz wire
  1. 我怎么知道何时用编织线,何时用氟碳线?

    How do I know when to use braid and when to use fluorocarbon ?

  2. 用金属绑线将CT上的金属编织线与一次导线缠绕在一起,保持等电位。

    CT with metal tie cable on a metal braided line and a wire wound together to keep such potential .

  3. 研究结果表明:热定型温度和时间对PGA纤维及PGA编织线力学性能影响较大。

    The experimental results show that both the heat setting temperature and heat setting time have effect on mechanical property of the PGA fiber and braided yarns .

  4. 研究表明,PGA纤维和PGA编织线的降解大体趋势相同,两者的降解过程均可分为强力下降期、非结晶区质量损失期、结晶区质量损失期三个阶段。

    The results showed that PGA fiber and PGA braided yarn had the same trend during degradation , and the degradation could be divided into three stages named as strength decrease stage , mass loss of amorphous region stage and mass loss of crystallinity region stage .

  5. 相反,使用邮政和铁路栅栏或编织线马剑击等。

    Instead , use a post and rail fence or woven wire horse fencing .

  6. 不同比例PGA/PLA编织线的体外降解性能

    The Properties of Braided Yarns with Different PGA / PLA Proportions in Vitro Degradation

  7. 时光穿隐了去,编织线是金银。

    Enwrought with golden and silver light .

  8. 编织线走了这么远的路近年来,就像氟碳线。

    Braided lines have come a long way in recent years , just as fluorocarbon lines have .

  9. 编线工艺对渔用高强度聚乙烯编织线拉伸性能的影响

    The effects of knitting technology on the tensile properties of braided high-strength polyethylene netting twine for fishing

  10. 织补通过穿过裂口或洞编织线或纱来修补(例如衣服)

    To mend ( a garment , for example ) by weaving thread or yarn across a gap or hole .

  11. 铜编织线用于电气装置,开关电器,电炉及蓄电池等的软连接线。

    The braided copper wire is suitable for the flexible conductor of electric installation , switch gear , electric frunace , storage battery , etc.

  12. 我用白色的编织线,因为我罐看到它很容易,我要系在氟碳领导人因此,这些鱼看不出就行了。

    I use a white braided line because I cans see it easily , and I tie on a fluorocarbon leader so the fish don 't see the line .

  13. 这种线是经切割而不断开的铜编织线的替代品,它直接被编成形可以是镀锡或不镀锡的。

    This is an alternative to copper plaits that does not open once cut , it is plaited directly into a round shape and can be produced tinned or untinned .

  14. 障碍较重的情况下,可视的线也没多大影响,而且当你要把鱼从重障碍,尤其是厚的水草中拉出来的时候,没什么比编织线更能胜任。

    You can get away with visible lines in thick enough cover , and nothing beats braid when it comes to pulling fish out of heavy cover , especially thick weeds .

  15. 与4/0钩大小,它也大足以应付一个大鲈鱼,编织线和较强的杆行动会照料剩下的一切。

    With the4 / 0 hook size , it 's also big enough to handle a big bass , and the braided line and stronger rod action take care of the rest .

  16. 我愿意推荐某种类型的编织线,不过,因为它洗脸盆(台),从而让你的诱惑,更自然的沉还因为它几乎没有弹性。

    I do recommend some type of braided line , however , because it sinks and thus lets your lure sink more naturally , and also because it has practically no stretch .

  17. PLLA纳米纤维编织缝合线的制备及生物相容性研究

    Preparation biocompatibility evaluation on plla braided nanofibers suture

  18. 从缝合器的浅面做肺切除术,支气管残端用1-0带针编织涤纶线在器械缝合的深面做水平交叉U字缝合。

    A 1-0 polyester suture was used to for suture in the shape of " U " deep in the mechanical suture on the bronchial stump .

  19. 医用真丝编织缝合线

    Medical Braided Real Silk Suture Thread

  20. 横机毛衫编织纱线线密度选择和参数控制

    The Choice of Yarn Linear Density and the Parametric Control for Sweater Knitted in Flat Knitting Machine

  21. 可以选择使用互相编织的线做成的锁,这样会花费小偷更长时间来割断你的锁。

    Go for a thick one with interwoven threads - which will take a thief longer to cut through .

  22. 方法2000年2月~2004年2月,采用关节镜监视下撬拨复位,钛合金空芯螺钉内固定和尼龙编织缝合线固定法,治疗胫骨髁间隆突撕脱性骨折18例。

    Methods From Feb.2000 to Feb.2004,18 cases of tibial eminence avulsive fracture were treated with arthroscopic reduction and titanium cannulated screw or nylon suture fixation .

  23. 结论关节镜监视下撬拨复位,钛合金空芯镙钉内固定或编织缝合线固定治疗膝关节胫骨髁间隆突Ⅱ、Ⅲ型撕脱骨折,复位准确、固定可靠,有利于功能恢复。

    Conclusion Arthroscopic reduction and titanium cannulated screw or suture fixation for type II and III avulsive fracture of tibial eminence show satisfied results and are propitious for rehabilitation .

  24. 刹那间我有了一个可编织成这种线衫的大胆设计。

    Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater .

  25. 一种把纤维(棉花的或羊毛或尼龙等)用做缝韧或编织的好线。

    A fine cord of twisted fibers ( of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc. ) used in sewing and weaving .

  26. 论述横机毛衫编织时纱线线密度与机号的关系,提出纱线线密度选择的经验公式。

    Discourse the relationship between yarn linear density and flat knitting machine gauge , suggest an experimental formula to choose yarn linear density .

  27. 介绍了编织袋生产线关键工序拉丝的生产工艺,以及对影响最终产品质量的各工艺参数、原料配方进行调整优化过程,既降低了成本,又使产品内在质量和外观质量都得到提高。

    The wire-drawing process of weave bag production , the effects of the parameters and raw material formula on the product quality are discussed .

  28. 与编织相比是把线缠绕成一系列的连接的环。

    Made by intertwining threads in a series of connected loops rather than by weaving .

  29. 安装时应防止电热丝和外编织铜丝及芯线之间的短路。

    When installing , avoid any short circuits between electric heating wires , braided copper wires and core wires .

  30. 小型的融合体,是一系列从松到紧编织的光之线,它会通过应用热而照亮细胞,烧掉致密。

    The small fusion body is a loose to tightly woven series of threads of light that illuminate the cellular structure burning off density through application of heat .