
  1. 忧心悄悄,愠于群小。(《诗经》)

    My sad heart is consumed , and I am harassed by a host of small men .

  2. 从而获得每个(QU)型模糊拓扑群均可借助于群上的一个模糊复合伪范数来刻画的新特征。

    Obtained a new character that each fuzzy topological group of tope ( QU ) is descried in terms of a composite fuzzy pseudonorm of a group .

  3. 作为本文的主要研究内容之一是针对于群智能算法中的ACA的参数设定进行了有效的改进。

    Is one of the textual main research contented is Be aimed at to Swarm intelligence in of the ACA parameter enactment carried on an effective improvement .

  4. 将D-S证据理论应用于群决策,指出其优势在于应用基本可信度分配函数描述专家意见,并能区分对所描述对象不知道和否定的差异。

    We apply D-S theory to group decision making process , clarify the advantage of D-S theory in group decision and point out the difference between negation ignorance and negation .

  5. 借助于群时延特性和品质因数Q的关系,用Q估算相移比用相频特或测量群时延的方法估算相移更加明了,方便和实用。

    With the help of the relation of the the group delay time with the Q-factor , Q-factor is adopted to evaluate the phase shift . this way is more clearly and easily than with phase-frequency characteristic of determing the group delay time .

  6. 在推特聚焦与语言的服务项目同时,Clixtr,另外一个实时服务,聚焦于群的照片分享,用户可以在一个活动现场就可以照片形式来不断上传图片。

    While Twitter focuses on words , Clixtr , another real time service , focuses on group photo sharing where users can update their photo streams with photos while at an event .

  7. 利用群表示的不同观点,可以消除存在于群C4v的酉表示中的佯谬

    The paradox exists in unitary representation of the g

  8. 于群山间升起,光辉万丈之精灵,汝之门为吾而启!

    Spirit Who rises between the Mountains with splendour , Open Thy Gate to me !

  9. 对不规则波与流共同作用于群桩的水动力特征进行试验分析。

    The hydrodynamic features of irregular wave and current loads jointly acting on group piles are experimentally investigated .

  10. 专家们说,红头发的人也许还有一个使他们卓然于群的特征&敏锐的痛感。

    Redheads may actually have another trait that makes them stand out & sensitivity to pain , specialists reported .

  11. 产业集群的形成与发展,同样依赖于群内各行为主体间知识的积累、共享、创新和应用。

    The formation and development of industrial cluster relies on the knowledge accumulation , sharing , innovation and application between the various actors similarly .

  12. 介绍了用自行编制的适用于群桩地基基础应力、变形分析的三维非线性程序对一种有代表性的群桩进行分析的情况。

    A study on a representative pile group compound foundation by using 3-dimensional nonlinear stress and deformation analytical program is introduced in this paper .

  13. 通过对有限元理论的研究和总结,将有限元数值模拟方法应用于群桩工作性状的分析。

    According to the study and summarization of the theory of finite element , Finite Element Method is been used to simulate the performance of pile groups .

  14. 总的来说,中国古代哲学家大多倾向于群己兼顾的模式,而纯粹的利己观点还是比较少见的。

    Generally speaking , ancient Chinese philosophers tended to give consideration to both the individual and the group and it was very rare to find someone who agreed with sheer egoism .

  15. 将单孔示踪方法应用于群孔之中,结合裂隙岩体的走向、倾角、裂隙分布等参数,确定出研究区域的裂隙岩体中的渗流场分布。

    In combination with fissured rock strike , dip angle and distribution seepage flow in fissured rocks is determined by use of single well tracer method for the area under study .

  16. 新提出的动态群签名方案的签名长度,以及签名与验证的工作量均独立于群成员与已删除群成员的人数。

    Furthermore , the length of the signature , as well as the computational effort for signing and verifying , is independent of the number of group members and the number of deleted group members .

  17. 新方案中群公钥的大小仅取决于群中成员的个数,不会随着撤销成员的增加而无限增大。

    In this new scheme , the size of public key only lay on the number of members in the group , and would not increase infinitely along with the increase of number of members which were revoked .

  18. 群桩的沉降变形性状由于受承台桩土相互作用的影响而变得远比单桩复杂,单桩的沉降计算方法多数不适用于群桩。

    The settlement characteristics of pile groups become more complicated than that of a single pile because of the cap-pile-soil interaction . So almost all of the settlement calculation methods of the single pile are not applicable to pile groups .

  19. 从左(右)理想的角度,讨论了完全0-单半群在它不含无限于群时,它的有限性与其同余格的链条件之间的关系。

    It is discussed that the relation between the finiteness of a completely 0-simple semigroup and chain conditions on the lattice of its congruences from the view of its left ( right ) ideal when it has not any infinite subgroups .

  20. 在以前提出的大部分群签名体制中,群公钥的长度至少和群成员数是线性的,因此验证算法的运行时间依赖于群成员的个数。

    Previously proposed realizations of group signature schemes had the undesirable property that the length of the public key was linear in the size of the group and therefore also the running time of the verification algorithm depended on the number of group members .

  21. 由于智慧蕴藏于群中之中,在顽强地生存竞争中,贫困大学生们在学校和社会各界的关怀支持下,依靠自己的生存智慧,创造了许多非常具有启发意义的自主脱贫方式。

    Among the wisdom inherent in the people . To survive in the tough competition , the poor college students in the school and the community care and support , relying on their survival wisdom , creating a lot of very enlightening own way to out of poverty .