
  1. 她用十分异样的目光看着我。

    She was looking at me in a very strange way .

  2. 我讨厌他看着我的样子。

    I don 't like the way he 's looking at me .

  3. 他看着我点了点头,几乎让人看不出来。

    He looked at me and nodded , almost invisibly .

  4. 她看着我,脸上带着一丝笑意。

    She looked at me with just a suggestion of a smile .

  5. 她抬起头侧向一边看着我。

    She cocked her head to one side and looked at me .

  6. 她直直地看着我的眼睛。

    She looked at me squarely in the eye .

  7. 他满怀敌意地看着我。

    He looked at me with intense hatred .

  8. 他故作吃惊地看着我。

    He looked at me with exaggerated surprise .

  9. 她仰起头含笑看着我。

    She tilted her head back and looked up at me with a smile .

  10. 别这样看着我。

    Don 't look at me like that .

  11. 她不满意地看着我的衣服。

    She looked at my clothes with disapproval .

  12. 她转过头来看着我。

    She turned to look at me .

  13. 你能问心无愧地看着我说你没撒谎吗?

    Can you look me in the eye and tell me you 're not lying ?

  14. 我对你说话,你至少也应该看着我。

    At least have the goodness to look at me when I 'm talking to you .

  15. 两个男人一面看着我,一面用胳膊肘顶顶对方,笑容里夹杂着一丝得意。

    Two men looked at me , nudged each other and smirked

  16. 她在我的食物上撒了点胡椒粉,看着我吃。

    She sprinkled pepper on my grub , watching me nosh .

  17. 我注意到大家都在专注地看着我。

    I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention

  18. 她睁大眼睛若有所思地看着我。

    She looked at me with big , serious eyes .

  19. 他用那只健全的眼睛看着我笑了。

    He turned his good eye on me and laughed .

  20. 他看着我,仿佛在激我与他争论。

    He looked at me as if he was defying me to argue .

  21. 他用怀疑的眼光看着我。

    He looked at me with unbelieving eyes .

  22. 他们看着我,就像我已经疯了一样。

    They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses .

  23. 他看着我,冷酷的眼神里闪过一丝嘲笑。

    He looked at me , a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes .

  24. 她向前探出身子看着我。

    She craned forward to look at me .

  25. 我们出去时,女孩子们总是用忌妒的眼神看着我。

    When we go out , girls are always giving me the evil eye .

  26. 她从房间的另一头看着我,我们有几次目光交汇。

    She was looking at me across the room , and we made eye contact several times

  27. 他看着我没有说话,我第一次看出他内心充满了自豪。

    He looked at me without speaking , and for the first time I could see the pride that filled him

  28. 他轻蔑地看着我。

    He looked at me with disdain .

  29. 他怒气冲冲地看着我。

    He looked at me with an evil eye .

  30. 她带着挑战的目光看着我。

    She looked at me with challenge .