
  1. 我保证我们会准时去看木偶秀的

    I 'm sure we 'll get to the show on time .

  2. 那你明晚就得去看木偶奇遇记。

    Then you 're gonna see Pinocchio tomorrow night .

  3. 后面的观众伸长了脖子看木偶戏

    The audience at the back crane their neck to see the puppet show

  4. 我们就去看木偶秀吧

    let 's go to the puppet show .

  5. 我们带着孩子们去看木偶戏时,他们看得全神贯注。

    When we took them to the puppet siiow , the children were all eyes .

  6. 我喜欢看木偶表演。皮影给我更大的想象空间。

    I like puppet show , and the shadow puppet performance gave me more imagination .

  7. 因此,当可怜的格培多没有夹克穿在家里发抖时,皮诺奇却在看木偶秀。

    Geppetto shivered at home without a jacket , Pinocchio sat at a puppet show .

  8. 我最美好的童年记忆之一就是去看莫斯科木偶戏剧团的演出

    Oh , one of my favorite childhood memories was attending the Moscow Marionette Theater .