
  • 网络Rebalanced
  1. 坦白地说,我不知道保罗看上她什么了。

    Frankly , I don 't know what Paul sees in her

  2. 我想他是看上她了。I'vegotacrushonyou.我被你迷住了。

    B : I think he has got a thing for her .

  3. 什么叫你看上她了?

    What do you mean you have your eye on her ?

  4. 我是真心实意地看上她了。

    I 'm really interested in her in a big way .

  5. 我确定你看上她了,对吗?

    I 'm sure that you have a crush on her .

  6. 他已经看上她了,你这回可不妙了!

    He picked her out already . you 're a marked man !

  7. 我不能想象他到底看上她哪了。

    I can 't image what he sees in her .

  8. 我不知道布莱恩看上她什么。

    I don 't know what Brian sees in her .

  9. 他看上她了吗相信我陛下

    Did he like her ? Trust me Your Grace

  10. 好几个人都看上她了。

    Couple guys were buying drinks for her afterwards .

  11. 也许约翰杜看上她了。

    Maybe she caught John doe 's eye .

  12. 他看上她哪一点?

    What does he see in her ?

  13. 对啊不知道你看没看上次她是嘉宾DJ

    Yes . Yes . I don 't know if you saw that , she was our guest DJ .

  14. 梅正在看上周日她拍的那些相片。

    May is looking at the pictures she took last Sunday .

  15. 他在夜总会外面看上了她。

    He chose her outside the club .

  16. 是啊,而且看上起她也想让我们活着。

    Well , yes , and it seems that she wants to keep us alive .