
  • 网络The Time of Our Lives
  1. ,好消息是,在我们所生活的年代,惊人的举动比数百美元当礼物更有意义。

    , the good news is that we live in an era when the grand gesture can be more meaningful than a present costing hundreds of dollars .

  2. 我们生活的这个年代,世界人口将于本月底增至70亿,而其中半数以上生活在城镇和城市之中。

    We live in an age where the world 's population will have grown to7 billion by the end of this month and where more than half of them live in towns and cities .

  3. 如果你正在打量自己的钱袋(这个时代,谁不会这样做呢?),好消息是,在我们所生活的年代,惊人的举动比数百美元当礼物更有意义。

    If you 're watching your money ( and these days , who isn 't ? ) , the good news is that we live in an era when the grand gesture can be more meaningful than a present costing hundreds of dollars .

  4. 我们生活在真知灼见的年代,也生活在谬论百出的年代。

    Our age is one of wisdoms as well as fallacies .

  5. 我们如今生活在动荡的年代。

    We live in sad times now ;

  6. 我们确实生活在奇怪的年代中。

    We live in strange times indeed .