
  • 网络I just want to;All I Want;I just wanna;I just wanna be
  1. 2我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。信不信由你,我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。

    All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper2 coffee pot , you can believe it or not , but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot .

  2. 我只想要一杯恰到好处的咖啡

    All I Want is a Proper Cup of Coffee

  3. 我只想要你先听听我的说法。

    I just want you to hear my side of the story first .

  4. 有人希望得到名望,有人希望获得财富——我只想要个孩子。

    Some people want fame or riches — I just wanted a baby .

  5. 我只想要一个CD播放器。

    I want nothing but a CD player .

  6. 我只想要个纯粹的搅拌器,不带任何附加功能。

    I just want the basic blender , with no add-ons .

  7. 我只想要他对我所作所为的补偿。

    I just want retribution for what he did to me .

  8. 我只想要在世纪城市有间办公室而已。

    All I ever wanted was an office in century city .

  9. 现在的我只想要一个一辈子的承诺。

    Now I just want a promise for a whole life .

  10. 在此同时,我只想要逃走。

    Meanwhlle , all I wanted to do was run away .

  11. 我只想要它们体现在比赛上。

    I just want to some of them on the track .

  12. 我只想要这些都走开。

    I just want for all of this to go away .

  13. 我只想要一个放松的让人愉快的爱好。

    I just want an avocation that is relaxing and enjoyable .

  14. 草:我只想要个简单的生日晚会。

    Grass : I just want a simple birthday party .

  15. 简:我只想要你离开。

    Jane : I just want you to go away .

  16. 假如工作范围包括幼儿,我只想要这份工作。

    I only want this job if the work involves young children .

  17. 我只想要一个正常的高学年生活。

    I just want a normal senior year , dad .

  18. 没问题,我只想要那台机关。

    I understand discretion . I just want the machine .

  19. 我只想要回我的搭档和钱。

    I just want my partner and my money back .

  20. 我只想要份有体面收入的工作。

    I just want to have a jog with a decent wage .

  21. 我只想要说的是我其实很关心大胡子。

    I just want to say that I am concerned for Baron .

  22. 我只想要我的未来属于我。

    I just want my future to be my future .

  23. 我只想要你爸爸留下来吧

    All I need is you , papa.Please stay . Come here .

  24. 我只想要在此与你在一起

    I just want to be here . With you .

  25. 对我只想要你的钱

    Yeah , you 're right . I just want your money .

  26. 不用看了,小姐,我只想要杯可乐。

    That 's not necessary , miss . I just want a coke .

  27. 噢,我只想要一样东西。

    Well there 's one thing I really want .

  28. 我只想要一个能懂她爱她的人。

    I wanted someone who understands and loves her .

  29. 我只想要战俘营中那些孩子的承认。

    The oniy recognition I want is from those boys in that camp .

  30. 求求你了,我只想要我的儿子。

    Please , I want only for my son .