
  1. 我是女王,可我只有18岁。

    I was a queen , but I was only eighteen .

  2. 不!我是女王!

    No , I am a queen !

  3. 我是女王,但是我没有权力挪动我的胳膊。

    I am a queen , but I have not the power to move my arms .

  4. 我是英国女王政府的代表。

    I 'm a representative of her majesty 's British government .

  5. 我是英国女王,我要求你马上开门。

    The queen of England , and she demands to be admit-ted .

  6. 如果我是希巴女王,你就会是所罗门国王。

    If I were the Queen of Sheba , you 'd be King Solomon .

  7. 我是购物女王,记得吗?我当然知道车库拍卖是什么玩意

    I 'm a shopping queen , remember ? So of course I know what a garage sale is all about !

  8. 但我知道我是女王在我的世界里。

    But I know I am the queen in my world .

  9. 我是城堡的女王

    Now . Cleo I 'm the queen of the castle !

  10. 她写过信给马里,并且她像我一样是个女王。

    She wrote to Moray and she is a Queen , like me .

  11. 我是说,女王就是我的职责。

    I mean as queen it 's my responsibility .

  12. 我是苏格兰的女王,不是你。

    I am Queen of Scots , not you .

  13. 不,谁会介意我是个错字女王

    Oh , no. Who cares ? I 'm the queen of typos .

  14. 我曾是舞会女王

    I was the prom queen .

  15. 如果我是一个女王,我会把许多钱捐给穷人。

    If I were a queen , I would give a lot of money to the poor .

  16. 我是英国的女王。

    The queen of England .

  17. 但这并不重要,詹姆斯,这并不能改变什么。我是苏格兰的女王,不是你。

    But it is not important , James , it doesn 't change anything . I am Queen of Scots , not you .

  18. 如果你没有这么固执,你会是个好女王的。我会是个好女王的,正是因为我这么固执——如果我想要当女王的话。

    I would make a great queen because I am stubborn — if that ’ s what I wanted .

  19. 我是这带的女王。

    I am Queen of everything in this part of town .

  20. 下一次,我将是主人(女王样?)

    Next time , I 'll be the master .

  21. 但是我仍然是苏格兰的女王,因此,我回到了苏格兰。

    But I was still Queen of Scots , so I came back to Scotland .

  22. 我是全世界的女王,而在我的世界里,你是我的王。

    I am the Queen of the world , but you are the King of my world .

  23. 在弥林我是穿着丝绸的女王,靠蜜枣和涂上蜂蜜的羊肉充饥,她回想起来。

    In Meereen I was a queen in silk , nibbling on stuffed dates and honeyed lamb , she remembered .

  24. 在我的王国,我是女王。

    In my Kingdom , I am a queen .

  25. 伊丽莎白不知道该怎样做。她有时相信马里,有时候不。她不敢杀我,因为我是个女王。

    Elizabeth didn 't know what to do.Sometimes she believed Moray , sometimes she didn ' t.She was afraid to kill me , because I was a Queen .