
ān qír
  • angel
安琪儿 [ān qí ér]
  • [angel] 天使(英文 angel 的音译)

安琪儿[ān qír]
  1. 怎么,我的安琪儿,病了么?

    What is it , my angel ; are you ill ?

  2. 说到安琪儿你会听到他的飞声。(说到曹操,曹操就到。)

    Talk of an angel and you 'll hear his wings .

  3. 那娃娃由安琪儿的父母抚养。

    The little baby was taken by angele 's parents .

  4. 安琪儿是巴黎最新秋季流行发布会的模特。

    Angel dumott schunard will model the iatest fall fashions from paris .

  5. 这时上帝从他无数的安琪儿当中,先派遣了一位安琪儿。

    then God sent one of his numberless angels against the ship .

  6. 杜克在外面陪他太太安琪儿购物。

    Duke is out shopping with his wife , Angel .

  7. 安琪儿:听起来不妙,但你看起来很好哇。

    Angel : Not cool . But you look great .

  8. 安琪儿、大地使、六翼地使-威严、庆幸和声誉。

    Angels , Cherubs and Seraphs-Dignity , glory and honor .

  9. 我们今晚要帮安琪儿办一个生日惊喜派对。

    We 're going to have a surprise birthday party for anger tonight .

  10. 丹尼尔正和他的双胞胎姐姐安琪儿一起吃午餐,庆祝生日。

    Daniel is meeting his twin sister , Angel , for a birthday lunch .

  11. 很少人看到过安琪儿大瀑布。

    Few people have ever seen Angel Falls .

  12. “你要干什么呀,安琪儿?”大哥问。

    ' What are you going to do , Angel ? 'asked the eldest .

  13. 我没有好看的容貌,但我也是某人眼中的安琪儿。

    I am not good-looking ' , but I 'm somebody 's angel child .

  14. 安琪儿不想被打,谁又愿意呢?

    Angel did not like being hit-who does ?

  15. 他是一个十足的混蛋。他迷上了我的同学安琪儿

    He 's a total asshole ; he 's got this crush on my friend Angela

  16. 我的安琪儿,你是我一生的守护!

    My angel you are my life !

  17. 这白衣的安琪儿,抱着花儿,扬着翅儿,向着我微微的笑。

    The angel in white was smiling on me with a bunch of flowers in his arms , his wings flapping .

  18. 他们几乎拿不住它。他们越飞越高,飞近上帝和安琪儿;

    The higher they flew with the mirror , the more terribly it grinned : they could hardly hold it fast .

  19. 一片幽辉,只浸着墙上画中的安琪儿。

    Everything in the room was blurred by a haze of light except the angel in a picture on the wall .

  20. 我之全部,我之所能,都归功于我安琪儿般的妈妈。(美国总统林肯)

    All I am , or can be , I owe to my angel mother . ( Abraham lincoln , American president )

  21. 这些鹰在空中越飞越高。这时上帝从他无数的安琪儿当中,先派遣了一位安琪儿。

    Higher and higher rose the eagles up into the air ; then God sent one of his numberless angels against the ship .

  22. 摄影师们抓拍到了他的一个相当笨拙的时刻:上个星期在柏林的欧洲领导人峰会上,他在欢迎德国大臣安琪儿-默尔克时的场景。

    Photographers caught an awkward moment when he greeted German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a meeting of European leaders in Berlin last week .

  23. 这个邪恶的王子就马上向他射出几千发子弹;不过子弹像冰雹一样,都被安琪儿光耀的翅膀撞回来了。

    The wicked prince showered thousands of bullets upon him , but they rebounded from his shining wings and fell down like ordinary hailstones .

  24. 呼出的气越来越浓,形成了明亮的小安琪儿。当他们一接触到地面时,就越变越大。

    It grew thicker and thicker , and took the form of little angels , that grew more and more when they touched the earth .

  25. 原来生命之伟大与藐小并不在于它对外界发生影响的大小,而在于它自身对事物之经历体验,这一点,安琪儿和许多别人都很明白。

    Many besides Angel have learnt that the magnitude of lives is not as to their external displacements , but as to their subjective experiences .

  26. 她越堕落,她四周的一切便越黑暗,那甜美的安琪儿在她心灵深处也就越显得可爱。

    The lower she descended , the darker everything grew about her , the more radiant shone that little angel at the bottom of her heart .

  27. 它的形状是一个抱着花束的安琪儿;而蜡烛就插在这个花束的中央。

    The candlestick was in the form of an angel holding a nosegay , in the centre of which the wax taper was to be placed .

  28. 这时她才知道那个老太太已经死了。于是她觉得她已经被大家遗弃,被上帝的安琪儿责罚。

    Then she knew that the old lady was dead , and felt that she was abandoned by all , and condemned by the angel of God .

  29. 安琪儿抚摸着她的手和脚,于是她就不那么感到寒冷了。她匆忙地向白雪皇后的宫殿前进。

    The angels patted her hands and feet ; and then she felt the cold less , and went on quickly towards the palace of the Snow Queen .

  30. 她们不禁大笑起来,又不禁哭起来;而他住在冰天雪地里,在安琪儿的双翼下,也不禁在精神上跟她们一起笑,一起哭。

    They laughed and wept over the letter ; and he , far away , amid ice and snow , under the shadow of the angel 's wings , wept and smiled with them in spirit ; for he saw and heard it all in his dream .