
  • 网络Quiet Time;Quiet Hours;Moment of meditation
  1. 圣经提到耶稣很重视安静时刻。

    The Bible talks about Jesus treasuring quietness .

  2. 这组可爱的照片记录下了睡梦中的五胞胎珍贵的安静时刻。

    The adorable pictures capture the sleeping quintuplets in what must be a rare moment of peace .

  3. 关于安静时刻的重要性,无论是课堂里,讲座里,还是家中,无论是对公司领导,爱情关系,甚至学龄前儿童。

    The importance of quiet times whether it 's in a class , in a lecture , whether it is at home , whether it is for a leader in the business , for relationship , for children starting from pre-schools .

  4. 在我们安静的时刻,我们会重温我们的生活和在一起的日子。

    In our quiet moments , we would revisit our lives and times together .

  5. 人生中,总需要些安静的时刻,这很重要。

    Finding some quiet time in your life , I think , is hugely important .

  6. 总之,我们获得了一次最愉快的旅行,拥有了很多聚在一起安静的时刻&这正是我们所期待的。

    Overall we had a most enjoyable trip and managed to have many quiet moments together-which is exactly what we were looking for .

  7. 但有时你需要一个安静的时刻,可以拉上帷幕,拥有五分钟不被打扰的时间。

    But sometimes you need that moment of quietness where you put the drapes up and kind of like have five minutes of do not disturb .

  8. 选择一个安静的时刻来到这个人面前,问对方可否说一句话,然后把他们带到一边。

    Choose a quiet moment to make your approach . Ask if you can have a word with the person , and take them to one side .

  9. 直到安静的时刻,杂质沉淀稳定,浑水逐渐清彻透亮,外在世界才被完整地呈现出来。

    When one calms down , when the impure deposits stabilize , when the murky water becomes clear , then the external world is presented in its entirety .

  10. 威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿收到一份送给乔治小王子的吵闹的礼物:“我们家将永远不会有安静的时刻了。”肯辛顿宫的厅内厅外被噪音环绕!

    Prince William and Kate Middleton Receive a Noisy Gift for George : ' We 'll Never Get Any Peace'The halls of Kensington Palace are about to be filled with noise !

  11. 但有时你需要一个安静的时刻,可以拉上帷幕,拥有五分钟不被打扰的时间。虽然这并没有真的发生过。

    But sometimes you need that moment of quietness where you put the drapes up and kind of like have five minutes of " do not disturb . " Not that it really ever happens .

  12. 刚刚过去的夜晚对共和党参议员麦凯恩来说是一个安静的胜利时刻。

    It was a night of quiet triumph for Republican Senator John McCain , whose campaign had been prematurely declared " finished " months ago .