
  1. 她的第一部畅销小说之后是接二连三的成功。

    Further successes came hot on the heels of her first best-selling novel .

  2. 她的畅销小说《桃树路》不久将被拍成一部电视系列短剧。

    Her bestseller ' Peachtree Road ' is soon to be made into a television mini-series .

  3. 在出版这本畅销小说之前,她作为评论家已经有了名气。

    She gained fame as a critic before she published the popular novel .

  4. 这本畅销小说的著作人是位盲人。

    The author of this popular novel is blind .

  5. 傅东华是第一位将美国畅销小说Gonewiththewind(《飘》)翻译介绍给中国读者的翻译家。

    Fu Donghua is the first translator who introduced Gone with the Wind , a best seller prevailed in America to Chinese readers .

  6. 亚马逊工作室于日前宣布,他们已经买下J·R·R·托尔金的畅销小说《指环王》系列的全球电视剧版权。

    Amazon Studios announced that it has acquired global television rights to the Lord of the Rings franchise , based on the best-selling novels by J.R.R. Tolkien .

  7. 曾因作伪证而入狱的畅销小说作家阿彻勋爵(LordArcher)依然留在上议院。

    Lord Archer , the popular novelist who served a jail term for perjury , remains in the House of Lords .

  8. 和大多数根据畅销小说改编的人气网剧不同,《白夜追凶》并无热门IP可依靠,但它自己打出了一片江山。

    Unlike most online hit dramas which are adapted from bestselling novels , Day and Night has no franchise to rely on . But it has made its own name .

  9. 畅销小说《最幸运的女孩》(LuckiestGirlAlive)的作者杰西卡·诺尔(JessicaKnoll)只有31岁。

    Jessica Knoll , the author of the best-selling novel " Luckiest Girl Alive , " is only 31 .

  10. 今年春天,畅销小说作家瓦利·兰姆(WallyLamb)将出版新小说《我会带你去那儿》(I’llTakeYouThere),通过数字出版公司Metabook,只以手机应用形式发行。

    This spring , the best-selling novelist Wally Lamb will publish a new novel , " I 'll Take You There , " exclusively as an app via the digital publishing company Metabook .

  11. 这两个词组成的短语因她1973年的畅销小说,售出2700万多册的《怕飞》(FearofFlying)而不朽,成为随意、不顾后果的性爱的代名词,被载入文学史册。

    The two-word phrase , immortalized in her 1973 best-selling novel , " Fear of Flying , " which has sold more than 27 million copies , entered the cultural lexicon as a shorthand for casual , consequence-free sex .

  12. 弗兰岑的小说《自由》(Freedom)和《纠正》(TheCorrections)都卖了100多万册。和这两本畅销小说一样,他的新小说也是探索性政治、爱情和亲情等宏大主题。

    Like Mr. Franzen 's best-sellers " Freedom " and " The Corrections , " which have each sold well over a million copies , his new novel tackles big themes like sexual politics , love and parenthood .

  13. 意大利学者翁贝托·艾柯(UmbertoEco)原本从事晦涩的符号学研究,后来成了畅销小说作者,其轰动一时的中世纪神秘小说《玫瑰之名》(TheNameoftheRose)最为著名,他于周五在意大利逝世,享年84岁。

    Umberto Eco , an Italian scholar in the arcane field of semiotics who became the author of best-selling novels , notably the blockbuster medieval mystery " The Name of the Rose , " died on Friday in Italy . He was 84 .

  14. 但这项运动真正开始盛行是在二十世纪五十年代,并通过海滩男孩及duoJanandDean的音乐及根据畅销小说改编的1959年电影《冲浪少女》开始逐渐流行开来。

    but the sport got under way in earnest in the 1950s , and was popularized through music from the Beach Boys and duo Jan and Dean and by movies , like the 1959 film Gidget , based on a popular novel .

  15. 这部电影改编自欧内斯特·克莱恩(ErnestCline)2011年出版的畅销小说(一位作家称之为“死宅高潮”),早在发行前就在网上遭到极大厌恶。

    Even before its release , this adaptation of Ernest Cline 's 2011 best seller - what one writer called a " nerdgasm " of a novel - was subjected to an unusual degree of internet pre-hate .

  16. 这部Starz的剧改编自尼尔·盖曼的畅销小说,目前正在播出第二季,续订了第三季并换了新的制作人。

    The Starz series , which is based on Neil Gaiman 's hit novel and is currently airing its second season , has been renewed for Season 3 with a new showrunner .

  17. 哈里·波特是一部根据畅销小说拍的影片。

    Harry Porter is a film based on a best-selling novel .

  18. 每年她都能炮制出。本新的畅销小说。

    She churns out a new bestselling novel every year .

  19. 这部电影是由作者本人根据自己的畅销小说改编的。

    The movie was adapted by the writer himself from his best-selling novel .

  20. 因此,畅销小说的翻译质量日渐重要。

    Therefore , the translating quality of best-selling novels is of great significance .

  21. 梅格·卡博特,多部畅销小说作者。

    Meg Cabot is the author of many successful books for teenagers and adults .

  22. 去年他主演了根据比尔克朗肖的畅销小说改编的电影。

    Last year he starred in the film adaptation lf bill cronshaw 's best-selling novel .

  23. 这种推断近来得到广泛认可,并由于畅销小说《达芬奇密码》而传播甚广。

    That idea has been wide-spread due to a best-selling novel , Da Vinci Code .

  24. 根据畅销小说的首要特点,即市场导向性,我们很容易得出书籍的流通对于畅销书的巨大意义。

    According to the first characteristic , the circulation of the book is very important .

  25. 她为人所知的是她的畅销小说和在哲学体系上的发展,她自己称之为客观主义。

    She is known for her best-selling novels and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism .

  26. 玛丽写了几本畅销小说,其中的一本已经被翻译成十种外语。

    Mary has written several popular novels , one of which has been translated into ten foreign languages .

  27. 他售出了最新畅销小说的电影和电视版权,现在单等坐收厚利了。

    Having sold the film and TV rights to his new best seller he 's absolutely quids in .

  28. 迄今为止,她一共发表了5部畅销小说、1部自传类随笔集和2本儿童读物。

    Till now , she has published five novels , one collection of essays and two books for children .

  29. 他们到药店买感冒药,而到书店买最新的畅销小说。

    They go to drugstores to buy cold remedies , and to bookstores to purchase the latest best-selling novels .

  30. 华裔女作家邝丽莎的畅销小说写的都是关于美国华裔的经历,比如《上海女郎》和《乔伊的梦想》。

    Lisa See has written about the Chinese-American experience in best-selling novels like Shanghai Girls and Dreams of Joy .