
  • 网络bestselling author
  1. 另外还有畅销作家艾尔.福兰克

    And so , too , will bestselling author Al Franken .

  2. 畅销作家与基督教辩护士说笑一筹莫展,希望有新的证据,要求判决将进一步证明基督教信仰的历史文献。

    Bestselling author and Christian apologist Josh McDowell hopes The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict will further document historical evidence of the Christian faith .

  3. 此前人们普遍预期这位64岁的畅销作家将最终捧得诺贝尔奖。村上春树的《挪威的森林》(NorwegianWood)、《1Q84》等小说作品都深受好评,近年人们不断地认为他是可能的获奖人选。

    Expectations were high that the 64-year-old best-selling author of critically acclaimed novels like ' Norwegian Wood ' and ' 1Q84 ' would finally nail the Nobel after having his name floated as a likely candidate for the prestigious award in recent years .

  4. 我朋友和《纽约时报》畅销作家RamitSethi喜欢取笑那些总觉得自己不会花那么多钱的人,比如花3万美元筹办婚礼。

    My friend and NYT best-selling author Ramit Sethi likes making fun of people who think they will never spend , e.g. $ 30 , 000 on a wedding .

  5. 在第49位,奥巴马是首位出现在福布斯中的国家元首,因为他成为全世界的焦点,他历史性的选举和他作为最畅销作家的职业生涯。

    At No.49 , Obama 's the first sitting head of state to appear on this Forbes fixture because of his worldwide fame , his historic election and his career as a best-selling author .

  6. 中国职业赛车手,畅销作家,热门博主韩寒入选《时代》杂志本年度100位“全球最具影响力人物”候选榜单。

    Han Han , a Chinese professional rally driver , best-selling author and China 's most popular blogger , has been nominated as one of the100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine .

  7. 村上春树是日本当红的畅销书作家。

    Haruki Murakami is Japan 's best-selling author .

  8. 曾因作伪证而入狱的畅销小说作家阿彻勋爵(LordArcher)依然留在上议院。

    Lord Archer , the popular novelist who served a jail term for perjury , remains in the House of Lords .

  9. 今年春天,畅销小说作家瓦利·兰姆(WallyLamb)将出版新小说《我会带你去那儿》(I’llTakeYouThere),通过数字出版公司Metabook,只以手机应用形式发行。

    This spring , the best-selling novelist Wally Lamb will publish a new novel , " I 'll Take You There , " exclusively as an app via the digital publishing company Metabook .

  10. 到2005年,当第四部《群鸦的盛宴》(AFeastforCrows)问世时,他已成为一名成功的流派作家,跻身主流畅销书作家排行榜。

    By 2005 , when the fourth volume , A Feast for Crows , came out , he was a successful genre author , nudging the mainstream bestseller lists .

  11. 不仅葡萄酒销售生意增长到了空前的高度,他本人也成了一位畅销书作家,代表作包括《粉碎它!》(CrushIt!)和《右钩拳》(Jab,Jab,JabRightHook)。

    Not only did his wine selling business grow to unparalleled heights , he became a bestselling author with books like Crush It ! and Jab , Jab , Jab Right Hook .

  12. 约亨•维尔茨(JochenWirtz)乐于称自己为畅销书作家。

    Jochen Wirtz is pleased to describe himself as a best-selling writer .

  13. 这部定于本月末发行的著作被沃顿商学院(Wharton)教授、畅销书作家亚当o格兰特誉为2014年最值得期待的商业书籍。兹威格试图挑战一个普遍认同的观点:花费最多时间争夺其他人眼球的那个人终将获胜。

    Named as a Top Business Book to Read in 2014 by Adam Grant , a Wharton professor and bestselling author in his own right , Zweig challenges the pervasive notion that the people who spend the most time getting others to pay attention to them win .

  14. 她们不算是最知名和畅销的作家,

    These were not famous , best-selling authors ,

  15. 看看贝嫂的光环:企业家、畅销书作家、设计师、时尚代言人。

    Today her success continues as entrepreneur , best-selling author , designer and fashion icon .

  16. 她是一位畅销书作家。

    She 's a best-selling auther .

  17. 身为当今的畅销漫画作家,几米依然坚持要掌握自己的人生。

    Now as a best-selling author of picture books , Jimmy continues to assert control over his life .

  18. 今天,普利策奖获奖记者、畅销书作家海恩斯·约翰逊突发心脏病去世。

    The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and best selling author Haynes Johnson died today after suffering a heart attack .

  19. 拉塞尔•西蒙斯是美国商业大亨、活动家、畅销书作家。他有一个信息要传达给小企业家们。

    Russell Simmons , business mogul , activist and best-selling author , has a message for small business owners .

  20. 这本书的发行量很小,因为出版商没有意识到他们找到了一位畅销书作家。

    It was printed in small numbers as the publishers did not realise they had found a best-selling author .

  21. 作为红极一时的畅销书作家,他在大众化小说创作方面的成功探索,有着重要的文学史意义。

    As a popular writer of that time , Xu Xu and his works has an important influence on the literature history .

  22. 就像我对那位想成为“畅销书作家”的女作家所建议的一样,我今天也给其他所有的人这个建议。

    Just as I advised that newspaper writer who wanted to become a " best-selling author ," I advise anyone else today .

  23. 本片讲述了他经历了大起大落的戏剧性旅程而最终成为畅销书作家故事。

    The film chronicles the dramatic journey of a down and out man who inadvertently becomes a spiritual messenger and bestselling author .

  24. 畅销书作家、《中国式离婚》的作者王海鸰在她的微博上连载心急的妈妈们的故事。

    The best-selling author Wang Hailing , who wrote Divorce with Chinese Characteristics , relays stories of pushy mothers on her micro-blog .

  25. 即使在书面教员和最畅销的作家,似乎没有什么一致意见的数目和组成的基本要素小说。

    Evenamong writing instructors and bestselling authors , there appears to belittle consensus regarding the number and composition of thefundamental elements of fiction .

  26. 缺乏忠诚是导致人生失败的主要原因之&拿破仑。希尔,美国畅销书作家。

    Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life & Napoleon Hill , American author .

  27. 一个由畅销书作家克里夫·库斯勒带头的英国探险组织昨天表示,他们发现了著名“鬼船”“玛莉·克里斯特”号的残骸。

    An British expedition party headed by best-selling author Clive Cussler yesterday revealed they had found the wreck of the ghost ship Mary Celeste .

  28. 余华走在北京的年夜学区里,看上去更像是一个农民工,而不像是中国一流的畅销书作家。

    Walking through the capital 's university district , Yu Hua looks more like a migrant worker than one of China 's best-selling authors .

  29. 慢慢地,每个人的表情都变得古怪起来,他们努力回忆在《纽约时报》的畅销书作家中有没有我的名字。

    Slowly each expression became more quizzical than the last as everyone tried to recollect my name from the New York Times Best Seller List .

  30. 她同时还是一位畅销书作家,经营自己的出版业务。

    She 's bestselling author with her own publishing imprint , and her earning power ( a reported $ 19 million last year ) seems only to go up .