
chàng yóu
  • have a good swim;enjoy a good swim;enjoy a sightseeing tour
畅游 [chàng yóu]
  • (1) [enjoy a good swim]∶痛快地游泳

  • 竞渡畅游

  • (2) [enjoy a sightseeing tour]∶舒畅地游玩

  • 旧地畅游

畅游[chàng yóu]
  1. 是不是进步我不敢说,但说百分百畅游,这个牛皮似乎吹大发了点。

    Progress I dare not say , but say hundred have a good swim , this cowhide appears distend sent a drop .

  2. 我可以在书中去埃及畅游一番,了解一下这个人类文明的摇篮是如何的;

    I may go to Egypt in the book to have a good swim one , understood how this human culture cradle is ;

  3. 在撒丁岛,小鹿侵入一个高尔夫球场,随后在会所的游泳池里畅游。

    Fallow deer invade a golf course on Sardinia and take a dip in the clubhouse swimming pool .

  4. 您现在可以登录并畅游您的AIX系统。

    You may now log in to and enjoy your AIX system .

  5. 用户可以在和朋友网上购物、互动时通过3-d技术畅游虚拟世界;

    Users will be able to roam in3-D through virtual worlds when they shop or interact online with friends .

  6. 然而,这十年里最显而易见的赢家是谷歌(Google)。谷歌现已成为一个动词,它帮助全球三分之二的互联网用户畅游网络。

    The decade 's clear winner , however , is Google , becoming a verb as it helped two-thirds of all internet users navigate the web .

  7. 对于帮助公司畅游于Web2.0的景地以及成功地实现这些技术所需要的管理层决定,作者提供了指南,引证了实例。

    The authors offer guidance , citing examples , on management imperatives required to help companies navigate the Web2.0 landscape and succeed implementing these technologies .

  8. 多款直播频道的节目,让你随时随心畅游大千世界。通过遥控器和电子节目菜单(EPG)方便地进行频道选择,观赏高画质的直播内容。

    You can watch digital TV channels , shift channels freely via the remote control and EPG menu , enjoying life TV with high quality .

  9. 然后再向外国运营商提供TD-S技术,尤其是希望客户手机信号能畅游中国内外的亚洲外国运营商。

    TD-S could then be offered to operators abroad , particularly those in Asia whose customers might wish to roam in and out of China .

  10. 上午八时三十分,游客登上两艘游船,沿弯曲的漓江畅游五小时。基于TDIS框架的旅游形象策划探讨&以青海黄河上游水上游览带为例

    At 8:30 a.m. , the tourists boarded two pleasure ships and enjoyed a delightful tour of the winding Lijiang River for five hours . Discussion on the Tourism Image Planning Based on TDIS Framework

  11. 她迷失在夜里,像是畅游在湖中,转眼间便离了岸边

    In which she swam a little , losing sight of shore

  12. 阅读英语报刊,畅游多彩世界。

    How does reading English newspapers make your world more colorful ?

  13. 让我在这书海中畅游一番吧。

    Let me take a dip in this sea of books .

  14. 开河的鱼在河里自由自在地欢快畅游,悠然自得。

    River fish in the river freely enjoy cheerful , laid-back .

  15. 走出金龙寨,大家还一起畅游了阳朔西街。

    After dinner , we hang out in the west street together !

  16. 你可以驾驶宇宙飞船并在宇宙中畅游。

    You can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe .

  17. 他计划到欧洲畅游。

    He plans to take a pleasure trip to europe .

  18. 一名五十二岁的斯洛文尼亚男子成功畅游亚马逊河。

    A52-year-old Slovenian man has successfully swum the Amazon River .

  19. 他爱去附近小溪身心愉快地畅游一番。

    He enjoyed the refreshing swims in the nearby creek .

  20. 畅游千岛湖,相聚海外海。

    Enjoys a trip to Qiandao lake , gathers the overseas sea .

  21. 在想象中,你可以以光速畅游世界。

    In your imagination you can travel anywhere in the speed of light .

  22. 来吧,在最壮观的地方畅游吧。

    Come out and play in the greatest places .

  23. 所以她能在海里畅游。

    So she can swim well in the sea .

  24. 我如一条小鱼,畅游在知识的海洋里;

    As a small fish , I swim in the ocean of knowledge ;

  25. 现在就进入我们的水族馆畅游吧,您定能寻获心头好!

    Do come and tour in our Aquarium , you would have surprises !

  26. 互联网是个巨大无比的地方,成千万的人在这里畅游。

    The Internet is a gigantic place were millions and millions of people roam !

  27. 我就可以日日温心地在爱河里畅游。

    I can fall in love every day .

  28. 土路却往往是通向一条可以垂钓的小溪、一泓可以畅游的水湾。

    Dirt Roads more likely lead to a fishing creek or a swimming hole .

  29. 想想那微暗朦胧的灯光所带来的浪漫感觉,想想那五花八门的海洋生物在水中畅游的美丽画面,任谁都会沉醉的吧。

    The lights are dim and romantic , and sea life is very beautiful .

  30. 将来两周时候,咱们会畅游在水晶般蓝色的海洋中。

    We will be swimming in a crystal blue sea in two weeks time .