
  • 网络KARMA;Carma Hinton
  1. 对于卡玛合金在γ′相开始析出的温度回火、在一定量γ′相和Υ相的配合下,可得到最佳TCR值及其他电性能。

    After tempering γ ' phase is precipitated . It Karma alloy is treated at temperature , at which γ ' phase precipitation starts , the best TCR and other electrical properties can be obtained , with certain amounts of γ ' and γ solid solution .

  2. 卡玛合金作箔式应变片材料的性能与组织的研究

    A study on properties and structure of karma alloy for foil strain gauge

  3. 在天然的地域和生长环境里孕育出最纯净天然的卡玛希蜂蜜。

    This remote and native environment produces one of the purest Kamahi Honeys .

  4. 当洪卡玛万圣节遇上排灯节行为时:我该怎麽融合这两种世界?

    Halloween Hungama meet Diwali Doings : how do I blend my two worlds ?

  5. 卡玛克什•西瓦拉马克莱斯娜从没想过进入广告行业,更别说经营一家创业公司了。

    Kamakshi sivaramakrishnan never planned to go into advertising , much less run a startup .

  6. 了你的性格您好-或你错过了卡玛洛第一去了。

    The Bumblebee movie character had you at hello – or you missed the Camaro on its first go-around .

  7. 卡玛犀牛保护区是博茨瓦纳仅存的少数犀牛的家园,目前共有八只。

    This sanctuary is home to some of the few remaining rhinos in botswana , eight at the present moment .

  8. 卡玛黑格说,有轻微睡眠障碍的人,以及厌恶药物治疗的人,可以试试每天按时起床的做法。

    Karam-Hage says that people who have mild sleep issues and shun meds might try getting up at the same time daily .

  9. 但场上真正的明星则是新一代的卡玛洛运动车,它标志着通用最有名的车型的回归。

    But the real star was the newly redesigned Camaro Convertible , marking a comeback for one of GM 's most famous models .

  10. 卡玛希花蜜有一个非常独特的风味也引起美食爱好者的兴趣,实现了真正的蜂蜜风味的烹饪。

    Kamahi has a very unique flavor which draws the interest of most gourmet enthusiast to achieve a real honey flavor in cooking .

  11. 在慈善组织卡玛尼瓦纳单调的办公室墙上挂着一副英国地图。上面用毡头笔标注着警示语。这里是英国唯一的国家强迫婚姻受害者的求助热线。

    WALL map ofBritain , annotated with felt-tip warnings , dominates the bland offices of Karma Nirvana , the country 's only national helpline for victims of forced marriage .

  12. 到目前为止,有关化学反应体系介电系数随时间变化的理论除黄卡玛等提出外少见报道。

    Up to now , except for a method proposed by Kama Huang , no method can describe the variation of the effective permittivity of a chemical reaction with the reaction time .

  13. 为提高卡玛合金箔式应变片的检测精度和稳定性,着重研究了卡玛合金最终热处理制度、组织与应变片材料要求的各项性能的关系。

    In order to improve detecting accuracy and stability of Karma foil strain gauge , relationship between the final heat treatment of Karma alloy , relative structure and various properties required for strain gauge is studied mainly . F.

  14. 基于反应溶液中单位体积内的分子个数随温度变化的情况对黄卡玛提出的经验公式进行了改进。

    An improved formula based on huang 's empirical formula was proposed to calculate the effective permittivity of chemical reaction at any temperature and reaction time by means of the temperature dependent number of molecules per unit volume of reaction solution .