
  • 网络Card Type
  1. 此服务也会在“AddCard”对话框中显示为新的卡片类型,可供其他应用程序和服务作为组件使用。

    The service also appears as a new card type in the Add Card dialog box , and it can now be used by other applications and services as a component .

  2. ADIEU使用存储在WSDL文件(可在Internet上通过用户提供的URL访问)中的服务描述生成用于调用Web服务的新卡片类型。

    ADIEU generates a new card type for invoking a web service by using the description of the service stored in a WSDL file that is accessible on the Internet through a user-provided URL .

  3. 专业人士可以通过扩展ADIEU类在Java中实现更为复杂的卡片类型。

    More sophisticated card types can be implemented by professional programmers in Java by extending ADIEU classes .

  4. 基本的ADIEU工具提供对有用卡片类型的分类功能。

    The base ADIEU tool comes with an assortment of useful card types .

  5. 最终用户可以通过在ADIEU中定义新Web服务方便地创建新卡片类型,与传统程序员创建函数或子例程的方式非常相似。

    End users can easily create new card types by defining new web services in ADIEU , much like a traditional programmer would create functions or subroutines .

  6. 同时,为了满足企业工艺卡片类型多样化和工艺参数计算的需求,系统还提供了卡片模板定制和公式编辑器的功能。

    Besides , the system affords templet ordering and formula editor to satisfy the requirements of process planning .

  7. 本文对整个一卡通系统进行了细致的分析,并且详细介绍了应用于一卡通系统的卡片类型,卡片结构,卡片读写的技术。

    In this paper , the card system a detailed analysis , and details the types of cards used in card system , card structure , the card reader technology .

  8. 这张卡片是哪种类型的呢?

    What type of Valentine 's card is it ?