
  • 网络Fareed Zakaria;Caria;Karia;Pietro Scalia
  1. 哈里斯表示,已经派出专家小组前往福雷卡里亚区,帮助遏制疫情的蔓延。

    Dr. Harris said a team of experts had been sent to the Forecariah area to help combat the spread of the disease .

  2. 大部分新病例——大约27例——出现在几内亚,有一个地区已经成为重点疫区:首都科纳克里东南部的福雷卡里亚区,那里距离几内亚森林区的疫情源头非常远。

    Most of the new cases , about 27 , are in Guinea , and one area in particular is a problem spot : the Forecariah district southeast of the capital , Conakry .