
  • 网络Battle of Culloden
  1. 伟大的历史事件造就了收藏价值很高的报纸:伦敦大火、卡洛登战役(battleofculloden)、滑铁卢战役和特拉法尔加(trafalgar)海战、美国内战的主要战役。

    Great historic events make for highly collectable newspapers : the great fire of London , the battle of Culloden , the battles of Waterloo and Trafalgar , the major battles of the American Civil War .

  2. 然而,苏格兰人对卡洛登战役的看法却带有神话和传奇的色彩。

    Myth and romanticism surround the Scottish perception of the Battle of Culloden , however .