
  • 网络gwent;Gwent County;Blaenau Gwent
  1. 这星期我们应格温特郡妇女协会联盟的邀请来到了南威尔士。

    We 've come to South Wales this week at the invitation of the Gwent Federation of women 's institutes .

  2. 英国格温特郡Garndiffaith的罗斯·戴维斯在三个月大的时候被遗弃,由一个寄养家庭收养。她长大后发现自己还有三个失散多年的兄弟。

    At just three months old , Rose Davies of Garndiffaith , Gwent had been given up for adoption . She was taken in by a foster family and as she grew , discovered she had three long lost brothers .