
  • 网络Kaldorei;Cadore;Kal'dorei
  1. 其它仍在附近闲逛的恶魔们也加入了萨特的大军,同样也是为了那个把卡多雷赶尽杀绝的目标。

    Other demons who still lingered proceeded to help the Satyr with the one goal of wiping the Kaldorei out .

  2. 在南部奥伯丁的一个卡多雷女祭司的修女院,秩序在这个组织中是被认为最重要的。

    A convent of Kaldorei priestesses in southern Auberdine , the Order is arguably the most demanding and exacting of all Her organizations .

  3. 小精灵长久以来和暗夜精灵保持着深层度的联系,并且会在黑暗之门后危险的边疆尽一切力量来保护他们尚为凡人的卡多雷盟友。

    The wisps have long been deeply connected with the night elves , and will do all in their power to protect their now-mortal Kaldorei allies in this new and dangerous frontier beyond the Dark Portal .