
  • 网络The Burning Legion;Legion;Burning Crusade
  1. 燃烧军团的特使来到艾泽拉斯。

    Agents of the Burning Legion arrive on azeroth .

  2. 指挥官阵亡,燃烧军团的余党作鸟兽散。

    With their commander gone , the remainder of the Burning Legion 's army was cast into disarray .

  3. 他们一点儿不在乎燃烧军团的入侵。

    The Ethereals have no care at all for the burning crusade .

  4. 邪恶的兽族宇宙人被送往宇宙为燃烧军团而战。

    Fel Orc sent into space to fight for the demonic legion .

  5. 我致力于摧毁燃烧军团,结果我做到了。

    I 'm always trying to destroy the legion , so I did .

  6. 联盟与部落暂时休战以对抗燃烧军团。

    The Alliance and Horde reach a temporary truce to defeat the Legion .

  7. 这块土地是属于我们的,而不死军团是属于整个燃烧军团的。

    Balnazzar : This land is ours . The Scourge belongs to the Legion !

  8. 现在他们正寻找同盟,继续他们永恒的对抗燃烧军团的战役。

    Now they search for allies in their never-ending battle against the Burning Crusade .

  9. 燃烧军团失去了一名领袖,而凡人们赢得了喘息之机。

    The Legion lost one of its leaders , and the mortal races of Azeroth won a brief respite .

  10. 在王国被燃烧军团摧毁以后,这种神秘艺术传播到了世界的遥远角落。

    After that kingdom 's destruction by the Burning Legion the arcane arts spread to the far corners of the world .

  11. 作为交易的条件,伊利丹将会得到巨大的力量并在燃烧军团的领导者中占有一席之地。

    In exchange , Illidan would receive untold power and a true place amongst the remaining lords of the Burning Legion .

  12. 暗影议会仍然在艾泽拉斯大陆存在,并效忠于燃烧军团。

    The Shadow Council still exists , and works to further the interests of the Burning Legion in the world of Azeroth .

  13. 群龙无首的燃烧军团在艾泽拉斯上被部落,人类和暗夜精灵的联军打的溃不成军。

    Without their commander the Burning Legion forces remaining on Azeroth crumbled under the combined might of the Horde human and night elf armies .

  14. 我的梦境从来都不会改变,我只有一个梦:数量超乎想象的燃烧军团士兵像深红色的地平线包围着我,战争在远处打响。

    Mine do not . I have one dream : A crimson skyline envelops me as Legion , numbering beyond comprehension , battle in the distance .

  15. 玛法里奥和克拉苏斯最终离开了暗夜精灵军,去寻找其他的龙,以请求他们来一同对抗燃烧军团。

    Malfurion and Krasus eventually left the army and sought out the rest of the dragons , intending to appeal to them for help against the Legion .

  16. 燃烧军团入侵的第三次战争后,穷途末路的暗夜精灵们在被恶魔污染的灰谷外急切地寻找安身之处。

    After the invasion of the Legion during the Third War , the Night Elves desperately sought a refuge from the demonic corruption that tainted much of Ashenvale .

  17. 军团的,部队的军团的,和部队有关的,或组成军团的甚至连在山下集结的主力军团都无法阻挡燃烧军团的前进。

    Of , relating to , or constituting a legion . Even the massive force gathered at the base of the mountain could not stop the demons ' climb .

  18. 玛苟克拉斯议会提议将他们集体的力量授予一个最强的凡人,让他来与燃烧军团进行一场永不终结的秘密战争。

    The Magocrats proposed the notion of empowering a single mortal champion who would utilize their collective powers in order to fight a never-ending secret war against the Legion .

  19. 暗夜精灵粗心的滥用魔法为这个世界引来了燃烧军团,他们曾经努力设法打败燃烧军团,但是他们的家园却在战争中沉入了海底。

    Their careless magic use led the destructive Burning Legion into the world ; they managed to defeat this evil , but their homeland sunk into the sea in the conflict .

  20. 迦洛德和克拉苏斯、玛法里奥、泰兰德去联系克尔塔罗斯·鸦冠,反抗燃烧军团的暗夜精灵军队指挥官。

    Then Jarod accompanied Krasus , Malfurion , and Tyrande as they went to speak with Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest , commander of the night elf army that was fighting the Burning Legion .

  21. 在暗夜精灵的传说中,阿莱克斯塔萨与半神塞纳留斯是非常亲密的朋友,在燃烧军团第一次入侵的过程中,正是塞纳留斯召唤她参战的。

    Rumors among the night elves suggest Alexstrasza and the demigod Cenarius were close friends , and that it was he that called her during the first invasion of the Burning Legion .

  22. 虽然萨格拉斯在最近的冲突中通过燃烧军团理所当然地代替了他们的重要地位,但是他们在艾泽拉斯历史的部分可以追述到很久很久以前。

    Their part in Azeroth 's history lies far , far back in time , although Sargeras has of course taken a more active role in recent conflicts through the Burning Legion .

  23. 坐落于永恒之井湖畔的辛-艾萨琳就是上层精灵贵族们打开通往扭曲虚空的传送门,召唤燃烧军团到艾泽拉斯的地方。

    Situated on the shores of the Well of Eternity , Zin-Azshari was where the aristocratic Highborne first opened a portal into the Twisting Nether and invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth .

  24. 因此概括地说,目前那加、燃烧军团、还有亡灵天灾依然对艾泽拉斯造成非常实际的威胁,凡间种族却还未意识到这一点。

    So , in summary , currently the Naga , Burning Legion , and Undead Scourge pose very real threats to Azeroth still , the mortal races simply don 't realize it yet .

  25. 他们没有忘记他曾是萨格拉斯的仆人,不相信他发誓那样做只是为了获得足够的力量来对付燃烧军团。

    They had not forgotten that he had chosen to serve sargeras , and they did not believe him when he swore he had done so only to gain sufficient power to defeat the legion .