
  • 网络Running;RUN;run-over-able
跑动 [pǎo dòng]
  • (1) [run]∶跑,离开原位置

  • 汽车跑动没多远便停下来了

  • (2) [run]∶为一定目的或某事而奔走活动

  • 他跑动了一天,早已疲惫不堪

  1. 他们的技术、热忱和跑动能力使他们得以加入这支球队。

    Their skill , enthusiasm and running has got them in the team .

  2. 基于Loop细分曲面的虚拟人跑动仿真

    Running Simulation of Virtual Human Based on Loop Subdivision Surfaces

  3. 约翰逊跑动带球平均每次行进6码。

    Johnson carried the ball an average of 6 yards per rush .

  4. 跑动速度不快的棒球手可以凭有力的击球来弥补。

    A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting .

  5. 尽管如此,扎扎的长发随着她围着球台跑动而甩动,她展现出的能力也给经验丰富的对手留下了深刻的印象。

    Still , with her long hair bouncing as she did around the table , Zaza showed ability that impressed her seasoned opponent .

  6. 我使用了他做的B键跑动补丁。

    Master Zed , whose B-button Dash patch I implemented .

  7. 棒球的家庭跑动之王b也曾承认使用过他的训练员告诉他是亚麻油的一种物质。

    Baseball 's home run king Barry Bonds has admitted using a substance his trainer Greg Anderson told him was flaxseed oil .

  8. n.惊人的技艺;引人注意的行动在电影中他跳下正在跑动的汽车,并表演了其他危险惊人的绝技。

    stunt In the film he jumps off a running car and performs other dangerous stunts .

  9. 引入两类跑动势获得了Q泡场方程的精确解,另外,研究了均匀电场模型的Q泡精确解。

    The exact solutions of Q-bubble field equations are obtained by using two running potentials . Moreover , the exact solutions in uniform electric field model are studied . 3 .

  10. 《Athletic》报道称火箭的球员特别是保罗一整个赛季都在和德·安东尼讨论在进攻中增加更多跑动的问题。

    The Athletic reported that members of the Rockets , and specifically Paul " had spirited discussions with Mike D'Antoni throughout the season about incorporating more movement within the offense . "

  11. 但事实上,接球手利用的是一种叫做“凝视捷思”(gazeheuristic)的认知捷径,前后跑动的同时始终保持视线与下落中的球的夹角恒定。

    But in fact , ball-catchers use a cognitive shortcut called the " gaze heuristic " , running forward and back while keeping constant the angle of sight up to the ball as it descends .

  12. 如果用Synergy技术分析他的前一百次投篮,他在进攻中就是标准的摇摆人:随着持球人撕破防线,他能接球就投,也能无球跑动寻求最后一攻。

    If you look at his Synergy play type numbers for his first 100 shots , his role in the offense is that of your basic swingman : as ball handlers break down the defense , he 's either catching and shooting or moving without the ball and looking to finish off the pass .

  13. 到达练习场和学习技术跑动。

    Take to the Practice arena and learn the skill moves .

  14. 我还会听到人跑动的脚步声和一个小孩的笑声。

    I would hear running footsteps and a child 's laughter .

  15. 他告诉我们不要喧哗,也不要跑动。

    He told us to be quiet and not to run .

  16. 这就是为了离开屏幕跑动的预期。

    That 's the anticipation pose for the off screen run .

  17. 它们跑动迅速,偶而也会攻击和伤害人类。

    They can run swiftly and occasionally attack and kill humans .

  18. 季前赛里的易,能够在内线做出很好的跑动。

    Yi make moving better to the basket in pre-season games .

  19. 除非有人追你,要不你懒得跑动。

    and you don 't run unless someone 's chasing you .

  20. 但是似乎克尚尼在跑动中被抓住了!

    But apparently the umpires have got criscione in a run-down !

  21. 中国男子优秀足球运动员比赛跑动能力研究

    Study on Running Ability of Chinese Men Excellent Football Players during Match

  22. 谈足球无球进攻队员的跑动

    On the Running Skills for the Football Players without Football

  23. 他更具进攻性、跑动更多。

    He 's more of an aggressive , running player .

  24. 猛冲全速运动或跑动;猛冲。

    To move or run at full speed ; rush .

  25. 跳舞者跳曳步、滑步,并在人们拍手时在舞池上跑动。

    The dancers shuffle , glide , or run while people clap .

  26. 操作割草机时不要跑动,保持步行速度。

    Do not run while operating the mower maintain a walking speed .

  27. 她们在运动场上看到男人在跑动、踢球、击球、扣篮。

    They see men running around kicking , hitting , dunking balls .

  28. 球的转移和人员跑动非得更有进攻性。

    They have to move the ball and themselves offensively .

  29. 我们全力以赴,我们跑动积极。

    We were all very concentrated and we trusted removing something positive .

  30. “汤姆,是不是你在楼下嗒嗒地四处跑动?”

    " Tom , is that you pattering around downstairs ?"