
  1. 接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天。

    The day went pleasantly enough until I received your call .

  2. 这是我度过非常愉快的一天。

    It was as pleasant a day as I have ever spent .

  3. 今天,我度过了愉快的一天,希望明年的春节也能这么精彩!

    I had a very pleasant day today , and I hope the Spring Festival next year will be as fun as this one .

  4. 我过了不愉快的一天。

    I 've had a grim day .

  5. 布列塔尼:我度过了很愉快的一天。

    Brittany : I had a really nice time .

  6. 今天我与你在一起,我会竭尽全力使今天成为你我积极愉快的一天。

    I am with you today and will do my best to make this a positive and enjoyable day for both of us .

  7. 然后,我收到一封电子邮件,确认收到了我的详细信息,并祝我“度过愉快的一天”。

    I later received an e-mail confirming that my details had been received , and telling me to " have a nice day " .