
  1. 税款减免将在一年后废止。

    The tax relief will sunset after a year .

  2. 干了一年后,我觉得我已知道怎样做好这项工作了。

    After a year in this job I think I 've got it cracked !

  3. 近一年后,汤姆被批准将获得特殊教育。

    Nearly a year later , it was agreed that Tom would be statemented

  4. 一年后我的狗死了。

    A year later my dog died

  5. 自以为我们了解投票人在一年后的想法是很危险的行为。

    It 's risky to assume that we know what voters will be thinking in a year 's time .

  6. 根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会轮换职位。

    They will swap posts in a year 's time , according to new party rules which rotate the leadership .

  7. 一年后,我达到了我的目标:我减掉了150磅,筹集了5万美元!

    A year later , I reached down tomy goal : I lost 150 pounds and raised $ 50,000 !

  8. 一年后,在英国举行的世界锦标赛上,她再次以10.73的成绩夺得世界冠军,这是她有史以来第四次夺冠。

    She did it again one year on at the World Championship in Briton , becoming world champion with a time of 10 . 73 — the fourth record ever .

  9. 一年后,他离开了法庭,重新回到了医生的岗位。

    One year later , he left the court and returned to be a doctor again .

  10. 一年后,三兄弟再次相聚。

    One year later , the three brothers gathered again .

  11. 如果一年后能够见你,

    If I could see you in a year ,

  12. 他们两人一见钟情,并在一年后结婚了。

    The two of them fell in love at first sight and married a year later .

  13. 一年后人们拆了老房子,随后一座漂亮的现代建筑矗立在那里。

    That house was demolished16 only one year later , and a nice shiny new modern split-level was erected17 in its place .

  14. 于是,这对小夫妻在一年后买了一辆小破车,开始了一场横跨欧亚大陆的旅行。

    As a result , the young couple bought a small car a year later and started an overland journey through Europe and Asia .

  15. 一年后,邻居为自己的狗从来不逮老鼠而担忧,并将这件事情告诉了他。

    One day later , his neighbor became so worried because the dog wouldn 't catch mice , and told this to the person who had selected the dog for him .

  16. 可怕的绿衣骑士(拉尔夫·伊内森饰演)迈着大步闯进来,向圆桌骑士发起了挑战:有谁敢当场砍下他的头,并让他一年后回敬一斧。

    The monstrous7 Green Knight ( Ralph Ineson ) strides in and declares that anyone around the Round Table can strike him with an axe8 , as long as he can do the same to them in one year 's time .

  17. 一年后,85度C便进入中国大陆。

    A year later , 85C expanded into China .

  18. 一年后,家得宝成了TCP最大的客户。

    A year later , Home Depot was TCP 's largest customer .

  19. 采访结束一年后(1996年),Steve将NeXT出售给苹果

    In 1996 , a year after this interview , Steve Jobs sold NeXT to Apple .

  20. 方法对我院治愈出院一年后的33例非典患者行胸部螺旋CT扫描及双髋关节X线、MRI扫描等检查。

    Methods 33 SARS recovered persons discharged from our hospital after a year were checked respectively by the chest CT 、 double hipbone joint X-rays and MRI .

  21. 一年后,他成立了汤普金斯研究公司(TompkinsResearch,Inc),拉到了资本,并做出了一台原型机。

    The following year , he formed Tompkins research , Inc. , found capital and made a prototype .

  22. 索尼在2000年发布了它的PlayStation2游戏机,整整一年后,微软才发布了第一款Xbox,索尼在那一轮的竞争中获胜。

    Sony introduced its PlayStation 2 in 2000 , a full year before the original Xbox came out , and in the end Sony won that round .

  23. 一年后,1889年,意大利数学家G.皮亚诺对此给出了标准化的公理。

    A year later , in 1889 , the Italian mathematician G. Peano gave the axioms in what became the standard form .

  24. 一年后,赛琳娜·戈麦斯(SelenaGomez)身穿一件灰色无袖长裙在《名利场》(VanityFair)上亮相。

    A year later , Selena Gomez showed up to the Vanity Fair in a gray sleeveless dress .

  25. 一年后,NASA成为该项目的合作方,为飞行汽车舰队开发空中交通管理系统。

    NASA became a partner for the program a year later by developing air traffic management for a fleet of flying cars .

  26. 在FIFA10电子游戏打破了销售记录的一年后,制作公司ElectronicArt(EA)再次回归并出品了运动系列游戏的升级版,包括去年销售冠军FIFA11。

    A year after breaking sale 's records with its FIFA10 video game , Electronic Art is back with an updated version of its soccer franchise not only has FIFA11 topped last year 's early sale tally .

  27. Eve承诺每位男士在第一年内最多可相亲6次,如果一年后该男士仍为单身,还可为他安排更多约会。

    Eve promises to arrange up to six introductions for each man within the first year , with further dates to follow if he remains single after that time .

  28. 伯恩斯于1980年以暑期实习生的身份开始在Xerox工作,一年后拿到硕士学位后正式加盟该公司。

    Burns first worked for Xerox in1980 as a summer intern and joined a year later after her master 's degree .

  29. iPhone刚发行的时候并没有应用商店,直到一年后许多外界开发商黑进了手机,苹果才勉强允许他们开放应用。

    The iPhone launched without the app store ; it opened only a year later , after many outside developers had hacked the device , allowing them to write apps for it .

  30. 一年后,rbs被迫接受了政府纾困,迄今英国纳税人仍持有该银行83%的股权。

    RBS was forced into a government bail-out a year later , and UK taxpayers still hold an 83 per cent stake in the bank .