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  1. 而只有一心向前并积极行动,我才会过拥有一个真正有意义的生活。

    Instead , it is only by thinking forward and taking action that I 'm able to live a truly fulfilling life .

  2. 这本书的开头是这样写的:“玛丽福音,耶稣基督母亲的福音,她为加布里埃尔天使带来好消息。一心向前的人会得偿所愿。只要他不三心二意。”

    The book opens like this : " The Gospel of the lots of Mary , the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ , she to whom Gabriel the Archangel brought the good news . He who will go forward with his whole heart will obtain what he seeks . Only do not be of two minds . "