
  • Together;Come together;come along
  1. 你跟Mike一起来的?

    Did you an Mike come together ?

  2. 下次你俩将一起来。

    Next time , the two of you will come together .

  3. 他没有和妻子一起来,大家都很惊讶。

    Eyebrows were raised when he arrived without his wife .

  4. 我们挤在一起来保暖。

    We huddled together to keep warm .

  5. 如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。我无所谓。

    I 'll come with you if you like . I might as well .

  6. “怎么不跟我一起来呀?”——“不行,我忙着写报告呢。”

    ' Why don 't you come with me ? ' — ' I can 't. I 'm up to my ears in reports . '

  7. 她叫他一起来,但是他拒绝了。

    She asked him to come with her , but he refused .

  8. 历史与政治有相同之处,应该一起来研究。

    History and politics overlap and should be studied together .

  9. 他的家属没跟他一起来。

    His family didn 't come with him .

  10. 接着,她把几根筷子绑在一起来代表一个家庭。

    Next , she tied several chopsticks together , representing a family .

  11. 很高兴你能一起来。

    I 'm glad you can join us .

  12. 一起来看看突发洪水逃生指南:避开架在湍急水流之上的桥梁,因为洪水可能会把桥冲垮。

    Avoid bridges that cross rapidly-moving water , as floodwaters can cause bridges to collapse .

  13. 通过将Web服务的接口连接到一起来支持业务流程,从而将其为组合应用程序。

    Web services are into composite applications by wiring their interfaces together to support a business process .

  14. 在这个系列的前二篇文章中,我描述了有多少种不同的标准运用到一起来实现Web服务。

    In the previous articles in this series I described how many different standards are used together to implement Web services .

  15. 于是,黎明人与IBM之间为了共同的目标走到一起来了。

    Then , go to come along for common cause between matutinal person and IBM .

  16. 可以将变更管理缺陷和HP测试运行链接在一起来实现可跟踪性。

    The change management defect and HP test run are linked for traceability .

  17. 为了扩充MCU的功能,我们越来越多的把外围接口部件以IP的方式和MCU核集成在一起来,来得到更强大的功能和更广泛的用途。

    In order to expand the function of the MCU , we generally integrate more and more peripheral component into our chips .

  18. 也许我会加入“误差因素”,和delta一起来确定是等腰三角形还是等边三角形。

    Perhaps I will want to add a " fuzz factor " with deltas for determining whether I have an isosceles or equilateral triangle , respectively .

  19. bingham探员和其他人一起来的时候,妈妈正在和警察说话。

    Agent Bingham came with the others when mummy was talking to the police .

  20. 只要你是这个月的寿星,那么在每月第一个周五,就和好友一起来D2过一个超嗨难忘的生日吧!

    If your birthday is coming this month , come D2 celebrate your birthday with friends in the first Friday of each month ! Dance !

  21. 提出了基于UML的面向对象建模技术集成CORBA和XML来开发分布式应用的方法,通过三者无缝地结合在一起来完成对分布式应用的分析、设计及实现。

    A coherent approach to develop distributed application by integrating CORBA with XML based on UML is proposed . The analysis , design and realization of distributed application can be accomplished by integrating UML , CORBA and XML seamless . '

  22. ODP在日本外海布置了两个井中地震台站,与陆上台站一起来观测板块边界的活动性。

    In order to observe plate boundary seismicity , two borehole stations were installed offshore Northern Japan with broadband seismometers , in combination with land stations .

  23. 在大街小巷,跟着HIPHOP的节奏,大家一起来享受自由篮球的乐趣吧。

    In the streets , and follow the rhythm of the HIPHOP together to enjoy the fun of free basketball .

  24. 早晨一起来你感觉怎样?

    How do you fee1 when you arise in the morning ?

  25. 我想让大家一起来祈祷,请过来。

    I wanna all of us pray , please come over .

  26. 我可不可以说服你跟我一起来?

    Can I convince you to come with me or not ?

  27. 我们是一起来的,差不多一年了。

    We started together so , uh , about a year .

  28. 太好了!记得带你姊姊一起来。

    Great ! Be sure to bring your sister along .

  29. 我强迫他在假日时跟我一起来。

    I obliged HIM to come on holiday with me .

  30. 我求我叔叔和他一起来。

    I begged my uncle to come along with him .