
  • 网络Knocked Up;Knock up
  1. 也许我在《一夜大肚中》的角色并没有伟大的人格,但是他抓住了他的机会。

    ROGEN : Maybe my character in Knocked Up doesn 't have the greatest personality , but he has his moments .

  2. 没有这部电影,可能就没有《美国派》(AmericanPie)和《一夜大肚》(KnockedUp)这样低俗的性喜剧了,也不会产生这一代掌握敲击暂停键艺术的人——看见他们喜欢的镜头就按暂停。

    Without this movie , there would have been no raunchy sex comedies like American Pie or Knocked Up , nor a generation who mastered the art of hitting the pause button at strategic moments of their favorite scenes .

  3. 费格曾执导电影《伴娘》(Bridesmaids),及即将上映的《超能敢死队》(Ghostbusters),阿帕图曾执导《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)和《一夜大肚》(KnockedUp),两人目前都是好莱坞喜剧界的中流砥柱。

    Mr. Feig ( " Bridesmaids , " the coming " Ghostbusters " reboot ) and Mr. Apatow ( " Trainwreck , " " Knocked Up " ) are now kingpins of Hollywood comedy .

  4. 《一夜大肚》这部电影的目标是孩子应该在良好的环境下出生。

    ROGEN : The goal of Knocked Up is that the baby is born under nice circumstances .

  5. 据说在拍一夜大肚分娩室那场戏中你是第一次抱小孩,是真的吗?

    PLAYBOY : Is it true you never held a baby until shooting the delivery-room scene for Knocked Up ?

  6. 我每次看到电影宣传片就会想,要不是因为《一夜大肚》那个人绝对不会上电视。

    I see commercials every once in a while and think , That dude wouldn 't be on TV if it weren 't for Knocked Up .